Krups 5210 espresso machine broke 8-17-2016

After 11 months of use (bought july 7 2015) even we owned it for 13 months its finally broken in a way that we need to send it to the service center. Now begins the long processes of sending it to Mangahan 
about 264 days of use and ~45g of beans per use or 792 shots.
hope repairs are reasonable in cost.

Issue: when on it makes the “pumping” sound and has water coming out of its bottom. 

this is a productivity hack. A source of high value caffeine paying 1php per gram for beans from gourmet. I spend about 50-60g per day in beans. Where I would have to spend 260php in starbucks to get 60 grams of beans worth of shots. Even if I just a quadro shot of 130php i would have spent only 50php with gourmet beans. x2 to x4 for more expensive beans like from Toby’s Estate and Yardstick. 

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