One Year of Using an Espresso machine instead of Buying Coffee

My morning ritual with the espresso machine, the difference a year made in the learning curve. From spending 2.2usd for a starbucks dopio to only 1.1usd of coffee. Thats 15g of beans in the double shot of starbucks, to 50g of beans at home in 3 shots of an oz each (90ml).
1usd * 360 days a year. and thats just for me.

2015 July 23 Espresso machine workflow

  1. Turn on espresso machine
  2. Put grinder lid on scale and tare
  3. Scoop out beans from bag, place on lid
  4. Weigh beans, place beans and lid in grinder, activate grinder
  5. Place cup under espresso machine (EM for short) and activate to clean
  6. Place basket holder (BH for short) on scale and tare
  7. Place BH on disposal bin (DB for short)
  8. Deactivate EM, remove cup, and wipe off EM spout
  9. Put grounds on BH, use funnel.
  10. place BH on scale and note weight
  11. Place BH in EM
  12. Place shot cup and scale under EM
  13. Activate EM and scale timer
  14. Pull for no. of seconds equal to grams in plus 3-5 sec
  15. Sec. Leave till dripping slows.
  16. Take note of all scale stats
  17. Remove shot glass and add my stuff (equal and milk).
  18. Remove basket, place cup  in EM, and activate to clean
  19. Dispose of grounds cake on DB
  20. Turn off machine and wash cup and BH
  21. Wipe clean
  22. Enjoy espresso

I averaged 20mins for two shot 
August 2 Espresso machine Workflow steps

  1. Get Disposal Bin (DB for short), a Spoon, and my 350ml glass
  2. Turn on espresso machine (EM for short)
  3. Put grinder lid on scale and tare
    1. 15-17g of beans per scoop and per shot.
  4. Scoop out beans from bag, place on lid
    1. I get 3 shots
  5. Weigh beans, place beans and lid in grinder, activate grinder (1st 15-17g of coffee grind)
    1. Grinder is set to grind up to 15-17g  
  6. Put basket on Scale
    1. Put grounds on basket, use paper funnel and spoon
    2. Funnel adds 3-4g, top-up for a total of 20g, max 21g
    3. Tamp down with glass
    4. Remove Funnel carefull/skillfully
    5. Tamp down again
    6. Place in EM
    7. Twist for up to two clicks
    8. Place Scale and Espresso Shot cup under EM
    9. Activate EM
    10. Extract up to 20g, turn off and let it drip up to 30g of espresso extraction
  7. Remove Espresso  Shot
    1. Typically place espresso in 330ml glas for 2 more shots made.
  8. Remove Grounds Basket
    1. Dispose Grounds into DB
    2. Wipe clean with paper towel
  9. Repeat for Additional Shots
    1. I start grinding a new batch as I extract.
  10. When done, wipe clean

Average of 10-15 minutes for 3 shots. 15mins when I’m really groggy and get things wrong.
Would be faster if beside the sink and everything would be accessible. If everything is there and I map out the process visually  

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