Its annoying how “Mastery” is the word that bests describes a level of skill that can be employed almost instantly. The way language is a mastered skill, as compared to other skills that do not need that level of instant recall.
So what do I call minor feats of mastery? Like mastering a word, a subskill, a concept, or a minor technique?
In escalating levels of complexity in learning a skill: from learning a concept, definition, process, a set of processes that have a fractal (multi-scale) application, etc…. there is familiarity, understanding, certainty or knowing, and there is mastery… then there is a level of mastery where the concept can be applied in a way beyond its normal understanding.
There is understanding of Pacing in story telling. Then there is Mastery of Pacing which leads to a person instantly reworking things to fit the pacing pattern. Then there is the High Mastery of Pacing where he can apply it to so many other things and other skills.
Petty or Little Mastery refers to the “Lesser” Masteries. Mastering concepts, definitions, processes, ideas, etc..
Level of Proficiency or (just) Proficiency: Familiarity, Understanding, Knowing and Mastery… and High Mastery.
So as I’m learning a language and writing Game Mastering techniques and processes, I’ll draw from these definitions.
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