Index Card Heuristic

Inspired by my affection for CCG, need for more portable gaming in Gaming and Dining in the Philippines, Getting things Done, and my need to keep organized.

The Index Card System is my metric for game concepts, character elements and rules mechanics. If I can fit the description in a handwritten Index Card – that’s good design. This is to pursue more Portable Gaming, for running games in Cafes, Parks, and places of work.

Each Idea is a Card. The more complicated the idea, it must be broken down to concepts that would fit into the cards. Think of each card as Bits of Information. If I have to give a speaking engagement to explain my point and pitch it should fit the cards.

Carrying and Attention Capacity. Physically and Mentally you can only Juggle as many Physical Index Cards. To be physically reminded about how much complication I’m taking on with the physical reminder of the card. Working with the creativity involved to compress and work in certain concepts. Plus being able to Feel like I can take on and take off ideas and concepts. When I’m full I can turn down certain things and others can see where I am and adjust accordingly, so I’m not disruptive.

Modularity in Learning. Being able to Add Cards and Ideas slowly without overwhelming the Player or Learner.

Character Elements. Character Sheet is as complicated by the number of Cards it takes to track character elements. We add cards as we get more complex. Ideally in a Story or Adventure we Add to the Identity, Background, Role, Goals and Motive, and Psychology. But in the Begining we start with bare bones and ADD layer on layer. 

Feel free to maybe put just one line or elaborate to as many lines as you can fit in the Index Card.

Cards about the Character’s Personality to be Role-Played

  • Identity and appearance. Gender, height, weight, appearance, religion etc… fit it in a card.
    • habits of expression, disposition, mood.
  • Background. where the character comes from and who is is from his background.
    • Race or Ethnicity is part of background
    • Culture and Languages. Home region where he has local expertise.
    • Notable Relationships from his Background

  • Profession/Role. What he is trained to do, his ability to survive and exist in this world, his role in the party.
  • Psychology and POV. Core Beliefs or lack of such. Naming 1-3 core beliefs or the goals or ambitions. Be someone or Do something.
    • Goals and Motives. add duties, responsibilities, and other concerns. P

Cards about the Character System Crunch.

  • Stats and Abilities. natural abilities. for special and non-human special abilities we add another card.
    • This is a more Game System Mechanical aspect of the Character.
    • Complicated Abilities may need its own card.

  • Equipment and Assets. His stuff and Things. 

ZONES. zones are currently Card Based and that is awesome!

Organizations and Cast. Next is to make a simple Any Game System note taking system to write down O&C. I have a skeleton already and I will test it. This will add a layer of simplicity and modularity to the Hobby.

Goals right now. 

My Character Creation system for GURPS (and reworking for a more quick prep and easier to get into GURPS) is going to be design to make it easy to use this system.

My Open Warfare System is going be designed to accommodate this way. Its going to be easy and fun and people will able to recreate great battles in history or make a great battle with little prep and with a lot of Replay or Replay with tweaks.

My Open RPG is going to be drawn up in this way. The Pitch and Mechanics is going to be organized as such so that GMs can just Add complexity Physically and Mentally through the cards until the players adjust and get used to it.

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