I bought my first set of Weights.

Landmark Makati, 3200php for 80lbs two handlbars
I’ve never bought my own weights, my dad had some lying in the house and we have a gym in the condo. But i’ve learned how its hard to be consistent and every minor excuse saps will power over come over the course of weeks.

Our Gym’s Handbars at 50lbs each

 So I bought my own
set of weights. It took me a while to discover that there is an
equilibrium to the weight I want to be able to perform. There is an
economic cost to being able to reliabily and consistently eat enough
protein to support a level of strength and I plan to be 170lbs with a low body fat in the end. This way I fit my clothes, can perform some reasonable feats of strength, and can focus on being fast. 


  • Prevent that
    Back injury that ruined all those hard won gains. I was training
    with a 14lb weight vest for a year and had most of my gains in the last 6 months. I lost most of it 
    to that unexpected back injury. Up to now, 6 weeks from Injury I still feel weak in my lower
    • I plan to advance to up to 20lbs weight vest in the next 2 years. 
  • Be able to
    perform common strength feats without Injury: 

    Deadlift –
    lifting something heavy off the ground.

    • Squat –
      lift something heavy over my shoulders to a higher postiion.
    • Firemans
      Carry – be able to carry someone to safety if needed.
    • Farmer’s
      Carry – be able to lift heavy objects and walk.
    • Push and
      Pull – move heavy objects in an emergency.
  • Train for the
    Bow Strength I am going for. This is basically able to draw 40-60lbs
    hundreds of times a day without suffering long term injuries.
  • Train to
    fight in a 40lbs rig, hoping to make my own set of Lamellar and
    Train in a Mobile Collapsible Pell.
    • 20lbs of padded armor, 6lb helm, 8lbs shield, 3lbs spear, and 2lbs sword. 
  • Be able to
    generate 30-50Joules of strikes without any wind up or telegraphing
    with improvised weapons similar to rattan sticks. Train with 2-3
    hits per second flurries.
  • Be able to
    hold my own in Sparring Match for Archaic Martial Arts.

The end goal is to be Yeoman Warrior able to fullfil his lords obligation of fighting when he calls his banners lolz. Thats the ideal, but all this training informs me and improves me ability to give verisimilitude in my narration and game running. 

In the course of the months I will always try to do new things and improve on minor things.
  • Every couple of months go climbing, costs about 600 each a day. 
  • Try horsback riding in the nearby until I can decently ride a horse. 
  • Go nature hiking
  • some outdoor craft exercises and DIY
My Gaming and Love for history has inspired me to learn Chinese and get fit. Its not bad being hard wired with Gaming in the Brain. 

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