The occasion to roll is one of those ambiguous elements in TRPGs. I recently thought about some Project Management techniques in a different way that lead me to having more to contribute to this discussion.
In an an iO9 article about terrible Tabletop experiences, I am reminded of one of the problems I faced as a player and a GM – the occasion to roll. This is a common source of mistakes, and a part of RPGs that make the narrative enjoyable and removes the players from immersion. I realize how the GM and I, or the Player may have very different expectations of consequences, but there are some ways to maintain a close matching set of expectations.
Example. In driving. When GMs make a mundane task have lethal consequences serving no purpose in the narrative. I’m reminded by it constantly every time I drive. When I’m behind the wheel, I know I can take my time and avoid a risky occasion and maneuver to an occasion with inconvenience as a consequence of failure.
What can we measure or observe?
This would be our players engagement and their level of frustration, or exhaustion. We can measure how many ideas they communicate and how many we can juggle, and remember. We can look at our notes and see how many facts have entered into play.
Of all the things we can track, the ideas the players communicate and attempt are the things we can observe most easily. Its easier also when we make them, the Players, “Dress the Scene” more or build up the scene they know they have to get into themselves with the GM challenging or adding details as a “Backchannel” (a kind of “I agree and…”). The GM can use leading, guiding, or informative questions to guide this.
Example for the player dressing the scene.
You need to convince The Prince this argument, how do you think that will play out? Walk me through what your PC does.
Backchanneling Example
- Ok, how much time and resource are you allocating?
- What are you willing to risk? What are you willing to pay?
- You cannot have X, if you are going for Y. Both cannot work out, are you sure?
- This will put you into conflict with the Duke,
- Your men will not like this if they find out.
- Can you elaborate/clarify/give more details?
It tends to be guide or leading questions, and commentary about the costs, consequences, and complications of certain courses of action. The GM ideally will be 1 out 3-5 sentences of the players course of action.
We know an elevator pitch takes about half minute or so, or speil (the pitch and the speil) takes about 2-5 minutes with the GM backchanneling details and other considerations. The longer the GM asks the player to talk, the easier it is for the GM to do the following:
- learn the most important part of the pitch or speil
- the part that has the strongest emotional pull on the player
- the opportunity cost of what the player is proposing in his pitch of speil.
Given these elements, we can make some simple guides to what occasion is best for the roll.
Guide of Importance
check against the Scenario (the Goal of the interaction), and the situation the GM and Player are
working on. In about 5-10 minutes of exchanges, between GM and
Player, a roll could be called of the most uncertain part of the plan
or course of action of the PC.
- Pros and Cons
- SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
- TTT (Topics, Targets, Trade-offs),
- Divergent Perspective or Problem Framing Techniques.
Guide for the Dramatic
check of Importance, and the GM asks himself “what are the
current strongest emotional triggers or draws in this situation?”. In the importance, he looks at the emotional context of the action or uncertainty.
emotional crossroads that leads to uncertain futures or which really
test everyone’s understanding of the character.
Guide of Opportunity
task and examine its Opportunity Cost Value. The GM asks “How
much work does this represent?”. This is the most quantitative means of measure, but like other guides can be mixed and matched depending on the GMs resources at the time.
may be ignored and work that weighs heavily, representing days or
weeks worth of work having much more serious penalties applied or
much greater difficulties assigned for the roll.
Final Note
Telegraph or Foreshadow the Risk and Costs. In the Six thinking Hat Method you are the Black Hat. The GM is bringing convergence in the ideas and narrative.
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