Insurgency Jan 17, 2015

the Insurgency Game today had a lot of lessons.

  1. Most memorable lesson is that CTO takes the guard, regardless of the role or rank. This is why CTO dies first in the games, when we need reinforcements and overwhelmed, CTO is the first to respond first. Basically, we are aware of each others positions and we take up the Guard of where we are weak, regardless of what our roles should be. Guard FIRST!
    Our non-cto comrades play for themselves, but we play to make sure every man survives. 
  2. Communications practice. more familiar of our habits and each other in order to better know how best to address each other, and what information the other needs to accomplish the task. 
  3. Usually Roles and Role Practice, I notice out of so much practice we clear right or left depending on who is already there. We get to practice clearing and cross fire defense more, it becomes more instinctual.  
  4. Defensive vs Aggressive Fighting. We need to develop fighting modes IMO, knowing how to hold back and better survive a situation. Its to ‘reign’ in aggressive tendencies or dispel ‘defensive’ tendencies when it is needed.  One of the things that made me survive longer in the game and in 
  5. Intelligent Aggression. Seeing Wilz instinctively know how to flank and seize the blind side of an enemy is amazing but reminds me, that all of us are capable of intelligent predatory aggression. While we can “dominate” (forcing an opponent to defend against fire one shot at a time as you sieze more and more of the advantage by having better and better aim and dominance) in Insurgency where bots can’t be dominated, we learn to circle or weave in an aggressive or defensive manner and better use our surroundings. 
These in the end boil down to coordination and that its practice when we can’t play airsoft.

It makes me inclined to use GBBRs more so that my tactics transfer. 

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