First use of our own Cheap Go Pros: the SJ4000 and the PixPro Mercury by Kodak.
First use of our own Cheap Go Pros: the SJ4000 and the PixPro Mercury by Kodak.
2nd CTO hosted event
Game 1: Defend/Attack
Greens vs Browns
Gman was by the tower, I was above. John and Noel went flanking. Richard and Willz were in the sandbags. We didnt need to use radios much, except for the flankers. When we began I could see the general movement and see (who I later learned was mike) go up to the road side. From my point of view it was mostly suppression when there was movement. I was able to get mike eventually. Diego was one person who came close to hitting me as he went on an aggressive advance and was able to suppress me with my own Shadow fixed Spetz. But he was a bit to aggresive and while suppressing me was left open to Wilz. He got as far as the first sand bag and was able to cross the bridge.
I later learned of John and Noels encounters and how Ian who came in late was able to crawl all the way to the middle of the slope. I forgot the casualties of our side other than Jon.
Game 2: Attack/Defend
Greens vs Browns
Roughly the same group. It was the usual formula, I go up the high road. Since its a very well known tactic I also know the best way to approach with full hard cover. I had a terrible goggle malfunction: Never use Off-Spray on fogging goggles (it also damages the goggles) it was terrible and the camera was being cumbersome. I got to position a bit late and blind. Good thing my lower face mask was a mesh so I used that instead. Still my head profile was problematic. From the first sandbag and tree hard cover I was mostly suppressing, allowing Noel to kill 3. I was suppressing for Richard too but was having a hard time against Diego. Anyway someone got diego but jimmy got Richard from the tower. Gman ordered for me to advance so I got to the sandbag and tree corner from the roadside crawling with malfunctioning knee pads – OUCH. Gman followed and with a few bbs left in the mag charged before the end of the time. Jimmy emerged from my left of the tower, I took a couple of seconds to try to feel if he hit me and proceeded to try to circle to his back. I forgot what happened next, if Gman got Jimmy or Time over.
Game 3: long game capture the flag
Gregs group to defend the flag, and the rest of us to attack. It was a similar appraoch as in the Nov 23 game. But we knew the hazards better and was able to scan it quicker. I missed seeing Ian who was hidden and proceeded to go down the drainage system with willz to do the flankiing maneuver. It took as a while to crawl down as there was no trees to catch us if we tumble – low center of gravity and along the drainage.
When we got down, we were behind the village. Around this time we realized Gman was hit, and I thought they were able to take our rear. Anyway, we proceeded to look for the flag. We knew the place well and learned how to search it and its blind spots. When I found the flag it was by the time I was having a head ache from being tired. Wilz and the Dulays gave me cover while I approached. I was able to sneak into the adjacent house which was undefended… a lot of things after the debriefing pointed out that I was purely lucky no one was in the right place at the right time. Willz distraction drew about 2 of them their attention and on the side I needed, the Dulays distraction kept the other two occupied. When I was below the flag I thought I was spotted and waited for the rain of BBs. when none came I hoped the Dulays low ammo distractions would buy me enough time as I rushed for the flag. I did it worked! Whoah!
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