Nov 23 Game Alpadi Major Event with Newbies.

The day got off slow. I had a ton of gear and I made the mistake of not organizing them before hand. if I did it would have been easier for each newbie to deal with a package instead of sorting which gear for themselves. Explaining the rules would have been better delegated to someone else, like what Gman did.

First Game I had the newbies with me Bhavan, Danee, and Frank. We were on the attack. Danee went with Ian and Bhavan went out on his own. I didnt want to, but he insisted and it was all for fun anyway.
Frank and I kept the Bamboo cluster between us and the enemy. We advanced quickly and I was able to explain each step of the way. We were able to approach until the outer sandbag of the attackers. Frank and I got until there, and instead of sending frank in I sent myself in which left frank to figure things out for himself.

Lesson. The more experienced guy does overwatch, its less guilty to die in a charge than to send someone to die in a charge. But what matters is results, and it would have been better to send him first. Of course I could explain this to him and frank would have gotten it.

When I asked Bhavan what happened, he got about 3 guys. I learned he didnt know that he got them and he tunneled to take them instead of thinking of what happens after he did take them out. Still great instincts but needs polish.

Frank was tired but got to advance. He got hit by willy, like me as I advanced and could not bring enough suppresive fire. Danee was left and could have taken them out if I held back and called on them. Again, my presence of mind of what assets I had and the context was out. Being overly cautious meant I was more likely to last longer but failed to capitalize on opportunities. 

Second Game. Defense. Danee and Frank on the sandbags covering that side while I did overwatch. Louie and Bhavan flankers. Ian was along the sand bags covering the flank from the hills crest prone.

When the game began, there was a long wait for the flankers. A lot of time went by and I didnt see Louie or Bhavan emerge hit till much later. before that Ian was hit and frank, to some error that could have been avoided. Today I just realized put Danee and Franks Position wrong from the lessons with James yesterday in Mutual Support. I should show frank how he should hide and cover himself and Danee next time. The surprise is that it should have been a bit from behind danee and off. Ian from the Bunker with his sniper rifle would have been better than his aggressive position.

Anyway when it was down to just me and danee, I asked her to get into the tower or bunker. Then gave covering fire. Gman told me he can hear me and can figure out where I would be for his long rang shot. He did get me as I strafed side to side and behind cover (it was an arcing shot that was a common hazard of the area). I was out.

Danee defended the tower and was eventually taken by a knife kill from Albert. I asked her what happened and she said she could guess there was someone crawling up but she didnt know what to do. I dont need to lecture her, I just need to ask her if she thought about what she should do next time and work with her what happened.

I talked to Bhavan and Frank after. Frank didnt know how to take cover optimally and that was instruction I could have given. Bhavan was impatient and he admited that, and impatient becomes a recurring theme of how he gets killed — but the motivation for his initiative.

Long Game.

 It took louie 30 plus minutes to set up, but it took us an hour plus to finish the game.

We did a lot of tactics and tried to guess what the other is up to based on our knowledge of them. We were overly catious and gman sent me, richard, and wilz up the hill behind the club house to approach the village. I was trying to check if Jimmy was set up close enough to see us. Our advanced was slowed by my caution even if richard figured there was no one.

We met up with gman on the concrete block and around that time we could hear alberts cry of pain. Gman was using the radio to check. Smart move of him shouting he got hit.

Wilz had a hard time on the hill and we found there were several old paths there. Something to use in a later game. Gman sent Richard and me to flank and we looked for a way in. The initial look was pretty daunting, at almost an 80 degree slope and not much to hold on to. We climbed up the road to look for a better entry point, We almost reach the first house you see in the estate when we decided on going in. Gman was telling us to rush. We were, energy levels could do it the problem was terrain and gear malfunction.

We took long and there were many interesting and dangerous features. The slope was at 60 and I had to claw the earth with my gauntlets to slide down. It was probably 30 plus minutes on that part… time was acting weird on me because it was a new place. When we finally hit bottom there was the creeks, natural points of erosion and water travel on this mountainside estate. followed it south and could almost be hallucinating that we can see houses beyond the foilage. I had a bit of panic because its taking far longer than I expected and Richard got a bit injured. When we finally emerge we overshot the village and emerged past the last cul-de-sac.

We were very happy to have come out that the tiredness was not so bad. We had strength but a lot of gear loosened up and I didnt have time to fix my boots and my knee pads (it would have made me faster if I did in hindsight). When we got to the road gman could see Richard who went ahead confident there was no enemy while I was still being ever cautious.

When we linked up with Gman, he sent us Dannee and Bhavan. Our first encounter, richard walked into dry fire. frank was outgunned and outnumbered and when we figured out where he was, I painted him with BBs and all 4 of us fired at him when he next popped his head. Poor frank.

Then there was another cautious approach. I tried the ravine side and the boots were being a liability as they were loose. Seeing no one, I climbed up and around this next encounter which was Jon. It began with a pistol shot and jon being impatient and charging since he had gun down – Richard got him. We thought the next encounter would be far off, the first burst had a very high ROF that a rain of BBs came bouncing down the road. Richard was able to dodge that and so was everyone else. When Richard tried to take another look he was taken out.  It was me and the newbies by now willy was sent down. I radioed the situation to Gman who can be heard breathing heavily. I was explaining to the newbies what was hapening and wanted to do a wider flank, Bhavan got impatient and instead of approaching ravine at my 6, since I know the Opfor (ian) could not hit me, he went and crossed the road at my 3. I was surprised to find him there, taken out (his impatience).

We were so close to the other Concrete Block that I sent danee to approach it from the ravine side. She could not find it and I asked the dead guys are they sure they put the flag in some place visible… when they confirmed it was a simple bit of deduction and when Gman took out Ian and someone took out Gman then it kinda made sense. A few steps later and I could see the flag, I just could not reach it. I made the wrong approach when I decided to do so. Although the only smart thing I did was putting danee in the ravine side because she was able to spot the guys. And when I got taken out she was the reason Jimmy could not take out Wilz, who made the right approach to grab the flag. 

It was an awesome game day and despite how long the game was and how tiring it was very rewarding. It made me more motivated to take care of my health and the newbies had a great time. I have to say, they showed more potential than me when I began lolz.

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