More thought into things

A lesson in my safety training, which has been enforced in other disciplines, is that doing something should include the budget of time to clean up or reduce the footprint of the activity.

I don’t have good house keeping habits, not many people do. It’s one of those things that mark a people to be advanced and to have good culture (for me). It is in times of scarcity that causes people to hurry and discard this habit but even then the habit has a very civilizing  / organizing value to society.
Which brings me to putting more thought into things. That is what I can induce/deduce   (I forget) from the habit. The conditioned response to put more thought in the things I do allows me to consider more aspects of it and achieve a better learning curve. It’s to ask my self.a battery of questions – how do I clean this up, how do I do this more efficiently next time, what are the risks, what does the problem represent in game theory, etc…
If time and effort being equal, putting more thought into things is a something to look for as a value add. Even if we have finite attention, notes serve as an external memory since the feeling that – I’ve done this so I must have made notes about this- creates the long but worthwhile response to find these notes and refresh.
I’m moving slower as I get older but I try to hack efficiencies, and take notes of how fickle my attention can be and how to goad it to productive  activities. Having a son to pass it all on is a bonus  – especially since I can be an example while he acclimates to the habit (watching him struggle with similar challenges is insightful of the cognitive mechanics we are all born with). I may be average in ability  but mnemonics, coping methods and skills are things that I can pass on better than genes lolz.
To over all performance  self regulation is not a panacea but it’s one less problem. Self regulation strangely  is needed to have a lot of good habits (in the advantage tree  it unlocks more abilities lolz). 
Leaving with this odd note – I noticed symptoms that are associated to testosterone levels seem to make me on the lower spectrum. Being a dad and the feelings my family elicits may be driving that down which has some other physical perks. To some people in the randomness of genetic mutation sometimes family is a good thing… of course timing being crucial .  

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