Aggressive Rhythm, Concentrated Aim, and Fatigue Rhythm Disruption

Aggressive Rhythm 

is what I am calling the conditioning to Attack when: the defender takes the action to defend, an allies suppresses, or you sense an opening between bursts of fire. The idea behind AR is to control and command the advantage, once you have properly aimed and sighted the enemy he can only defend until I, the AR Attacker, makes a mistake (and I try not to make a mistake).

This works in the principle of “control” which is useful mostly on one on one duels, but can be translated in ranged combat when we can see how our Attacks impact the enemy’s reaction and decision making.

So what is important is Sensing the timing of the Target and Battlefield for their “Opening” and “weakness”. When everyone is collectively taking a breath, and your instincts in this technique kick in and tell you “MOVE and SHOOT!”. You see a foe and you attack, he defends, at the moment he defends you corrected for that defense and ATTACK AGAIN, and AGAIN until you hit but before you run out of ammo.

It is hearing bursts of fire, and being able to tell how much “Wind” or “rounds” left before he has to “scratch” or re-aim. Its sensing that the enemy had to change their guard slightly to adjust. Its a kind of “beat” which “fighters” talk about and sensing it has some real science behind it in the discipline of Game Theory – the beat is from the “schelling point” theory.

Today I was trying to exercise that and like anything I formally try it needs a lot of work. The times it does work is slowly growing in number.

Concentrated Aim

 this is a “technique” acquired from conditioning from snap shots. The indicators of the CA proficiency is how quickly one can “tunnel” to make sure an aim shot is well aimed. It requires intimate weapon familiarity, but also the intimate knowledge of all the variables the weapon does. The less variables the better, so a stronger heavier BB means more consistent streams.

What makes it different from weapon familiarity is being able to Zoom in to tunnel and Zoom out to Act. The ability to Telescope Attention to a fine narrow precise point, then zoom out quickly without missing a beat. I think “fire and maneuver” exercises where we need to Aim and Shoot then Move quickly in variable “beats” will refine this ability.

I can’t say I mastered any of these techniques, to be honest I’ve only felt what being practiced in them DOES and find myself wanting to master them given the opportunity.

Fatigue Rhythm Disruption 

or FRD is what happens when we RUN or do one strenuous activity that F*CKs up our sense of time. Getting it back is hard, I’m currently reflecting whether it is possible to maintain it constantly OR to find it again through the Pace of other team mates or the Enemy’s own disruption.

Rhythm Exercise

This is a Hypothesis, a guess, that it is possible to develop a Rhythm based on how we place with each other. To sense the ebb and flow of tactics and maneuvers through conditioning and familiarity. Using the Rhythm to create a decision making process from the “Lack of Action”, as so that we rely less on words but by what our allies are doing.

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