The Two Me’s, Lessons, Weighted Vests

Last game was an unusual experience, because I was hitting at reacting from lessons from the other game while not conscious of it. It was like my conscious brain was jabbering on about stuff, and my body was reacting pretty much on the lesson of the last game, not the lessons of all the other games, but the LAST game.

that was interesting because it brings me back to the lecture “How we Learn” and how Learning can happen both on a conscious level as well as on another level we are not conscious about.


  • Leading Shot and better Weapon familiarity.
  • Straighter Shooting with the .28g bbs
  • Aggressive Cues, when the target chooses to defend: ATTACK, every body language cue of defense and hesitation: ATTACK! 
  • Know where they are before moving, this is the hardest lessons and discipline to have, since I am pretty low in perception. In the hunting game, spotting Gman was a big deal for me because typically I’m the last to notice these things. 
  • Last game, I was able to catch the enemy trying to flank us. I panic and hesitated, I should have realized if he ran to the back to flank, the opponent would have thought his guy would cover it and would have left that flank open. More Situational Awareness
  • In low Number games, there are a LOT of openings, speed and initiative means training to take advantage of these openings because we have been drilled to do so. When I got an entire side of newbies (5 players) that one game that was because I was watching Gman and Eric (of stag) do the same “clearing” maneuver and i was “walking” through the drill when the opportunity came to my turn. – Visualized Walk Throughs May work as an exercise. We just walk through without any enemy and clear, like what we were supposed to do before other team mates arrived if we are early. (all i can recall off the top of my head)

The Weighted Vest. The weighted vest run, this should be my 6th run today. Again with the 5km in the vest and 1km out (measured by the Tread mill and not Nike Run).

Its great exercise, and Its gotten to feel lighter. I want to run in it for a year, but it seems I really need a good quality running vest – which i hope richard can help me source. This one has the top pouch busted because of the 4lbs in it.

I’m using flexible ankle weights in the pockets.

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