There is only one way to dispel the myth and its to actually count the pages (plus notes on average word count). Its annoying when people use anecdotal evidence and throw around opinion like facts. In order to quantify how “crunchy” or rules heavy a system is, lets go about its system and in its
Options are what fills the Pages of GURPS – options in Ads, Disads, Perks, Quirks, Equipment, Skills and Techniques.
Core System –
3 pages – Success Roll, Contested and Quick Contest Rolls, Reaction Roll and Damage Roll
Characters Rules and System –
2 pages – Character Stats (ST, DX, etc…)
3 pages – Social Background (wealth, appearance, culture, language, rank, status)
3 pages – Rules behind Advantages and Disadvantages.
2 pages – Skills and Techniques
2 pages – Character improvement
Game Physics
4 pages – Equipment, Armor, and Weapons
3 pages – Physical and Mental feats
4 pages – Basic Combat
4 pages – Hit locations, Mounted Combat, and Tactical Combat
6 pages – Injury, Fatigue, and Hazards in general
12 pages
I’ve tried using simpler language to re-write the rules of my own game hand-outs and you can boil this down to 1/3 as many words/pages. If I illustrated some of the concepts instead of wrote them down, even less words. Now here is the awesome part – add the pages of these rules to the FAQ and the Errata and then you get the entire bulk Data Size.
The FAQ and Errata should always count towards this.
Of course this all very easy to learn if someone was showing it to you… and many demo and show how simple it can be. If your frustrated or don’t get it there are enough who are interested to hang out and talk you through (consider that as way to measure the community).
Advance Rules
Martial Arts – more combat options, more detailed rules on many aspects of combat.
Tactical Shooting or High Tech – modern weapon rules and some technique and skill options.
Low Tech – options and most importantly how the technology is used.
Mysteries – some social rules
Magic – adds 10 more pages worth of rules
Social Engineering – emphasis in social campaigns
Mass Combat and City Stats – Macro campaigns – leading armies and nations.
Vehicles – making vehicles
Space Ships – abstraction and simplified ship combat system
Space – more detailes about physics and futuristic games.
OPTIONS per Book Gaming Model
Options and Implied Rules, the EUA for Players
When a new set of rules come out, its a modification to the EUA between players and GMs. When ever someone chooses an Add-on Book, that’s an EUA modification as well. If you are a heavy modder, that’s parr for the GURPS course. There is no STAMP of SJGames approved needed, if it makes sense to you and you guys have fun and there is no Stigma for heavy mods as the rules are really very modular.
You don’t even need to read the other rules, and most people don’t. When I did my flow chart of GURPS rules I noticed there are many rules that would be nice and can bring a lot of realism. In face to face, with apps, spreadsheet and some automation they are great but in my current automation I use most (automation via Roll20 Macros)
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