Disclaimer. This is a rather simple flow chart. Can you imagine if I added the critical hit, miss, and defense critical success operators?! Ok this should be kinda enough for newbies and a bit more. You can simplify it a bit more. I will make it available in my gurps teaching folder but note I’m a libreoffice guy.
Step 1 Choose a Maneuver
B324 (Characters), B363 (Campaigns)
Do Nothing
“Mental Maneuvers”
Movement Maneuvers
Change Posture
All out Defense
Attack Maneuvers
Committed Attack (MA
Defensive Attack (MA
Step 3: Choose an Attack Options
Typically techniques improve a character’s ability to execute an attack option. While there may not be a technique for every attack option, every technique is an attack option.
Hit Location (aka Called Shot; B369)
Target Chinks in the Armor (B400)
Strike at Weapons (B400)
Deceptive Attack (B369)
Dual Weapon Attack (B417)***
Disarming (B400)
Rapid Strike (B369)
Slam (B371)
Shove (B372)
Unarmed Attack Options (B370; B400)
Feint** (B365)
Horse Archery (B396)
**it becomes a combat option in Martial Arts, but its already a combat option in Basic Set under Feint and Attack, which can be broken down to Double Attack: Feint and Attack.
Roll and Shout – Feint as a Combat Option
***make it -5 instead of -4 and only against one target only if you dont have GURPS martial arts.
STEP 3.1 If Unarmed Choose the following Options.
Striking (B370)
Grab (B370)
Grapple (B370)
STEP 3.2 Grappling Attack Options
Takedown – (B370) force opponent to the ground (B371)
Pin – (B370) while on the ground, force an opponent to a weaker position.
Choke/Strangle – (B371) deal crushing damage
Choke Hold (B404)
Arm Lock (B403)
Neck Snap (B404)
Wrench Limb (B404)
Strike with other Limb (B371, Actions After being Grappled)
Non Attack Options:
Release Grip
Throw away Ready Weapon
STEP 3.3 Grappled Character’s Option
Attack or All-out-Attack
Break Free
Melee Attacks
Target Size Modifier (B19)
Attacker’s Reach B402
Scaling Weapons LTC2 p.21
Footing (B387, B547)
Combat at Different Levels – penalty to defenses for inferior position, bonus to defenses for suprior position, modifiers for hit location making some harder while others easier (B402)
DR B46, B282
Cover B407
Ranged Attacks
DR B46, B282
Speed and Range Penalties B550
Aim and Weapon Accuracy
Target Size Modifier B19
Cover B407
Critical Hits and Misses
Critical Hit – B556 (30% improvement in damage or effect)
Critical Defense –
Critical Misses – B556 ()
Unarmed Critical Miss – B557
STEP 4. Active Defense
Block (B374-375)
Dodge (B375-376)
Parry (B376-377)
Physical Resistance Rolls (B)
STEP 5 Defense Action Options
Retreat (for melee only) (B377)
Dodge and Drop (B378)
Cross Parry (MA121)
STEP 6 Injury
Check Hit Location (roll random hit location B552)
Roll Knockdown/Stunning B420
If taking damage > HP/2
if taking damage that can cause Shock on Head, Vitals or Groin.
Check effects of Hit Location
Hit location B398
Effects of Crippling B421
Shock penalty to DX and IQ B419
Check General Injury B419
< 1/3 HP remaining, 1/2 move and dodge
0 HP, roll HT vs Unconsciousness
-1xHP Roll and every HP worth of damage, HT vs Unconsciousness and roll HT vs Death
Other Effects
Affliction (B428) ex. Moderate, Severe and Terrible Pain
Poisons (B437)
Optional Rules
Bleeding B420
STEP 7 Mark Off Fatigue
STEP 8 Fright Checks
After the combat – if there is a grisly death (ex critical hits to the head or the character lost a limb) of close or strong relations, and there is a grisly death, or the loss of a limb roll Fright Check to see if there is Trauma and Mental Scarring (see fright check modifiers; fitting for gritty campaigns).
Characters with Post Combat Shakes immediately make a roll after any lethal combat.
+Steve Hartline made this audio flowchart with Quizelet.
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