Apple’s New iPhone Pitch To Parents
Is it possible that the decision makers in Samsung can cross the cultural barrier and select the best marketing strategy to deal with apple? I really don’t have any facts, and only the observed trends of the strategies each one employs.
Apple’s soft sell in this video, wins points on “the feels” while the samsung one focuses in comparisons and stats. Samsung has a lot of trade-offs compared to apple even if they may excell in stats. I am a samsung user, and can be pretty much a poster boy for the note series with my heavy use of the note 2 and 10.1, while the wife is a apple user with some samsung products (tab and phone).
The simplicity of apple logistics (fewer products so its easier to support, and focus on the core uses of the products) vs the diversity of Samsung. I mean, wouldn’t you want less products to support and focus on the key markets? Currently samsung has a lot of products, this is within its own mobile technology division. If you’re asian and prescribe to Sun Zi then you will have heard of the principles of economies of force. The S series, Note Series, Galaxy Tablet series, ugg… Then there is that disconnect from Google.
the Android market keeps fracturing, and it is hard to make a product for it. Then there is the Samsung Store vs Google Play Store. So many battles in so many fronts. I’m sure one wants to be more in power than the other. I think – doing business with those who are easy to do business with is a universal strategy, and I wonder why this may not be the case in this highly divided system.
Although without the competition, I dont think there would have been the Note series. Although, catering through the Note series and the market it may target – working with Artists and various synergistic programs would have been a viable strategy IF it sounded good on paper… and it doesnt to anyone who wants bottom line – too much risk BUT cater to the artists like the Mac vs PC add campaign and you have the Note vs Apple campaign. lolz too little and too late.
Its really hard to get the right people for the job. This is what basically happened, or how these things happen. The decision maker in the right set up to decide, and in the position to choose the right team or company to implement strategy. For the all the work ethic of Samsung, the working smarter is a barrier in a business culture with very few mediums of vertical communication.
If there is anything to take away is that, currently there needs to be a change in mediums of vertical communication. Ideally creating an easy to use system for information gathering from more channels, while filtering more efficiently what counts as noise. Then powerful leadership, which is more of the emotional fortitude of a demanding leader to be able to gather information and adapt his strategy while pushing very hard on its key points. I dont think its possible at whats currently at stake and whats happening.
What would be possible is actually the second tiers, LG or HTC seeing how tied up Samsung is reconsidering their strategies and refocusing on wearable devices. Head gear, watch gear, to other portable mediums and combinations.
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