GURPS Basic Set Load-Outs

If you just began with the GURPS Basic Set and you want to just build a game around just that before investing in other source books, here are useful notes that will help you equip your NPCs and PCs.

As much as I love GURPS Low Tech and its series, I don’t want a person to feel like they have to buy something when arranging whats already in the Basic Set will suit their needs.

Note on Scale. Its interchangable with Lamellar in weight and DR. Lamellar is better because it doesnt have a leather or cloth backing that will wear out quickly over time, use, sweat and grime. If you research more about lamellar it is a kind of armor that is easy to repair (VERY easy compared to mail) and with little specialized tools.

Lighter Shields (and more realistic shields). There are rules for making Lighter Shields found in the Basic set is just by making some. Fortunately this is why I’m writing this
in B483, under detailed HP calculation you can calculate your shields HP based on its weight. Since DR is based on thickness just apply the same modifier (1/2, 1/3, or 1/4), the same goes to Cost and Weight. Shields grant a DR that is based on Over-penetration (B408).

Large Metal Shield (1/4) DB3, DR5, HP18, OP10. 12.5lbs
1/4 the Thickness translates to 1/4 DR, 1/4 Weight and Cost, and recalculate HP and Over-penetration (B408) based on new Weight. note the alternate Blunt Trauma vs Edge weapon rules should apply to this one too as it is a metal shield. Apply the DR modifier last.

  • Large Shield (1/2) DB3, DR4, HP18, OP8. 12.5lbs  (10sq ft or 0.93sqm)
  • Medium Shield (1/2) DB2, DR3, HP16, OP7. 7.5lbs  (7sq ft or 0.65sqm)
  • Medium Metal Shield (1/4) DB4, DR2, HP16, OP8, 7.5lbs  (7sq ft or 0.65sqm)
  • Small Shield (1/2) DB1, DR3, HP12, OP6, 4lbs (5sq ft or 0.46sqm) 
  • Small Metal Shield (1/4) DB1, DR4, HP12, OP7, 4lbs. (5sq ft or 0.46sqm)
  • Light Shield DB1, DR2, HP10, OP4, 2lbs. (correction since the light shield has more HP than its supposed to by its weight). 3sq ft or 0.28sqm shield. 
  • Light metal Shield (1/2) DB1, DR4, HP10, OP6, 2lbs. (3sq ft or 0.28sqm)  

Its odd that the penalty of using a Large Shield is in B547 and no where else I can find. There is a remedy that offsets this disadvantage officially, or you can just make it an average difficulty technique.

Layering Armor 

To layer or not to layer. In B286. -1 DX translates to a lot to your speed becoming 4.75, your move becoming 4 and your dodge from 8 (or 9 from combat reflex) going down from a notch. If you are Lightly encumbered then your move drops to 3, and Dodge is down two notches. Typically Layering armor will bring you down to Med. Enc. and that translates to Move 2, Dodge -3, and 2FP of loss per activity. But your DR is at least 5 or 7 if you optimize (mail and light scale highest DR to weight ratio).


Hit-Location by Surface area distribution appears in GURPS Low Tech, but we can infer some basic things.

B556 has the Hit location Table. You will notice that the Torso and Groin make up a lot of the chances to be hit (36%). No more groin Hit location! In low tech there is no more groin Hit location, torso is 9-11. I think this is a rule that can be carried over to basic set. So ignore the “groin” part of all the armors and assume any torso armor covers the groin.

Variable Pieces of Armor. Be flexible with the coverage of certain armors by dividing them up by 6, so that you can determine if the armor protects within a value of d6. So armors covering only half the arm will have 1-3 out of a d6 to tell if the blow landed on an armored portion.

Front Armor

Front only armor was very common, Its about half (50%). A lot of eras have front only armor. You can use a much lighter armor as “back” armor (like a Cloth armor).

The two armors on top is front only, while the armor below is an example of an armor that is front and back. All such armor have limited protection in the chest and compensate with pauldrons that overlap. This is because the forward rotation of the shoulders requires less rigid or less armor on the chest, limiting it to the sternum. Pauldrons and Ventail make up the difference, overlapping with the chest armor. 

Neck Protection. Again we use the B282 illustration. If we were to guess the added weight for having a mail or armor extend to protect the neck, how much would that be based on the illustration?

Compared to the groin, it would be around ~20% of Torso Armor. Layering armor rules allow a character to have Armor Stack without penalty except encumbrance on the head. If you have Low Tech, the helmet above is considered a “bascinet” as it covers what would be the “face” location in the rear of the head. If just the conical top it would be considered a “pot helm”. Lets just round it off to the next half lb, and assume it covers the lower face (which would make it a “ventail”. Since its both the ventail and aventail, consider it Partial 1-3/d6 face protection.

  • Light Scale Aventail, ~20% that would be 3lbs and attached to a pot or legioniaire’s helm. To 
  • Mail Aventail ~20% would be 3lbs and attached to a pot or legionnaire’s helm
  • Double Mail Aventail ~ 20% is 6lbs (which is appropriate since it is double)

The part that covers the mouth and lower face is called the “Ventail” in Low Tech.

Alternate Blunt Trauma and Edged Weapon Rules 

These rules are found in Low Tech LT102, to reflect the vast difference between DR from metallic armor and non-metallic armor. Since we are thinking up rules to allow you to have have fun with just Basic Set, here is a simple rule:

Metal Edged Weapons vs Metal Armor. When edged metal weapons penetrate the DR of Metal armor the Wearer rolls his armors HT+DR – the penetrating damage. On a success he takes crushing damage only, on a fail he takes the appropriate dmg modifier.

Ragnar the Vik, slashes with 12 cutting damage against Olaf the Sax who is in Mail armor. He stops 4 points of dmg, leaving 8 points penetrating. Olaf has average armor with HT12 plus 4 DR for 16 minus 8 penetrating damage. if Olaf rolls 8 and below he only takes 8 points of crushing damage (his armor held), if his armor fails he takes 8 cutting damage which becomes 12 points of damage. Even if Olaf is spared cutting damage, he has to roll vs Knockback from the large amount of crushing damage. 

Note. Since Armor in Basic Set are much heavier than those in Low Tech, you can give a 2 “reinforcement” bonus to the armors heavier than light scale, mail, and double mail to the check (like the scale, the plate armors). So Basic Set armors which is not as great DR to Wt ratio to LT converts more of the damage to crushing as a trade-off.

Hauberk and Haubergeon

You will notice that the Mail Hauberk and Shirt have a big difference in weight. Lets make Hauberk extend to 5-6/d6 (1/3) of the legs and from the shoulder to upper arm 4-6/d6. 9lbs or 36% of the weight of the Hauberk is these extra coverings.

Working backwards the Double Mail hauberk has the same coverings. This makes a Double Mail Shirt or Haubergeon  29lbs. this makes the difference of Mail to Double Mail – double mail is x1.8 in weight and x2.2 cost of regular mail.

Other Inferences. If Mail Leggings is 15lbs and Mail Shirt is 16lbs, can I assume light scale leggings are about the same weight. How about making mail sleeves and light scale sleeves the same weight?

Non-Rigid Helms. A coif of light scale would be roughly proportional to a a coif.

Light Scale Coif 4lbs
Double Mail Coif 7.3lbs 


Type 1 Scale for ST13
[Body] Clothes
3-4; Face 5] Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **
17-18] Light Scale Aventail 3lbs **
9-11] Scale Armor 16lbs **
Armor DR2B  5lbs
8, L-arm 12]  Light Scale Sleeves 9lbs **
15] Gauntlets 2lbs **
6-7, L-leg 13-14] Scale Front 1/2 (1-3/d6) 5.25lbs**
Leather Rear 1/2 1lbs
Leather 1/2 (4-6/d6) 2lbs
16] Shoes 2lbs
Weapon] Halberd  12lbs
Weapon] Large Knife 1lb
Water Bottle 3lbs
trauma-edge weapon rules
Type 1 Mail for ST13
Clothes 2lbs 
3-4; Face 5 Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **
17-18] Mail Aventail 3lbs **
9-11] Double Mail Shirt Front 14.5lbs **
Armor DR2B 5lbs
8, L-arm 12]  Mail Sleeves 9lbs **
15] Gauntlets 2lbs **
6-7, L-leg 13-14] Double Mail 5-6/d6 6.5lbs
Leather Rear 1/2 1lbs
Leather 1/2 (4-6/d6) 2lbs
16] Shoes 2lbs
Weapon] Maul 12lbs
Weapon] Large Knife 1lb
Water Bottle 3lbs
trauma-edge weapon rules

Out Type 2A Scale for ST12

Clothes 2lbs
3-4] Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **
17-18] Light Scale Aventail 3lbs **
9-11] Scale Armor  16lbs **
8, L-arm 12]  Light Scale Sleeves 9lbs ** 
15] Leather gloves 
6-7, L-leg 13-14]  Light Scale Leggings Front 1/2
(1-3/d6)  3.75lbs **
Leather Rear 1/2  1lb
Leather 1/2 (4-6/d6) 2lbs
16] Shoes 2lbs 
Weapon] Great Axe 8lbs
Weapon] Good Large Knife 1lb
Bottle (1L) 3lbs
trauma-edge weapon rules
Out Type 2B for ST12

[Body] Clothes 2lbs
3-4, Face 5] Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **
17-18] Light Scale Aventail 3lbs **
9-11] Scale Armor Front 16lbs **
8, L-arm 12]  R-Arm Scale Sleeve 7lbs**
arm protected by shield
15] Leather gloves 2lbs
6-7, L-leg 13-14] Scale Leggings (Front Only) 1/2 (1-3/d6) 5.25lbs**
Leather Rear 1/2 1lb
Leather 1/2 2lbs
16] Shoes DR2* 2lbs
Small Shield (1/2) DB1, DR3, HP12, OP6. 4lbs 
Weapon] Cheap Broadsword 3lbs
Bottle (1L) 3lbs
trauma-edge weapon rules
Out Type 2C for ST12
Clothes 2lbs
[Skull 3-4, Face 5] Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **
17-18] Mail Aventail 3lbs **
9-11]Mail Shirt Front 9lbs **
8, L-arm 12]  R-Arm Mail Sleeve 4.5lbs**
arm protected by shield
15] Leather gloves 
6-7, L-leg 13-14] Mail Leggings (Front Only) 1/2 (1-3/d6) 3.25lbs**
Leather Rear 1/2 1lb
Leather 1/2 2lbs
16] Shoes DR2* 2lbs
Large Shield (1/2) DB3, DR3, HP16, OP7. 12.5lbs 
Weapon] Axe or Spear 4lbs
Weapon] Large Knife 1lb
Weapon] 2x Javelin 4lbs
Bottle (1L) 3lbs
trauma-edge weapon rules
Out Type 3A for ST11

Clothes 2lbs (armor over clothes)
3-4, Face 5] Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **
17-18] Light Scale Aventail 3lbs **
9-11]Light Scale Armor Front 7.5lbs **
8, L-arm 12]  Heavy Leather 2lbs
15] Leather gloves 
6-7, L-leg 13-14]  Studded Leather Skirt Front 2lbs
16] Shoes 2lbs
Medium Shield (1/2) DB2, DR3, HP15, OP7, 7.5lbs 
Weapon] Spear or Axe 4lbs
Weapon] Large Knife 1lb
Weapon] 2x Javelins 4lbs
Bottle 3lbs
42lbs / 48lbs
trauma-edge weapon rules
Out Type 3A Mail for ST11

Clothes 2lbs
3-4, Face 5] Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **
17-18] Mail Aventail 3lbs **
9-11] Mail Shirt  Front 8lbs **
8, L-arm 12]  Heavy Leather 2lbs
15] Leather gloves 2lbs
6-7, L-leg 13-14]  Studded Leather Skirt Front 2lbs
16] Boots  2lbs

Medium Shield (1/2) DB2, DR3, HP15, OP6, 7.5lbs 
Weapon] Spear 4lbs
Weapon] Large Knife 1lb
Weapon] 2x Javelins 4lbs
Bottle 3lbs
trauma-edge weapon rules

Out Type 4A  for ST10

Clothes 2lbs

3-4, Face 5] Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **

17-18] none

9-11] Light Scale Armor 7.5lbs **

8, L-arm 12]  none

15] none 

6-7, L-leg 13-14] Studded Leather Skirt Front 2lbs  

16] Shoes 2lbs


Medium Shield (1/2) DB2, DR3, HP15, OP6. 7.5lbs

Weapon] Shortsword 2lbs

Weapon] Large Knife 1lb

Weapon] 2x Javelins 4lbs

Bottle 3lbs


trauma-edge weapon rules

Out Type 4A for ST10

Clothes 2lbs 

3-4, Face 5] Legionnaire Helmet 4lbs **

17-18] none

9-11]Mail Shirt Front 8lbs **

8, L-arm 12]  none

15] none 

6-7, L-leg 13-14] Studded Leather Skirt 2lbs  

16] Shoes 2lbs


Medium Shield (1/2) DB2, DR3, HP15, OP6. 7.5lbs

Weapon] Shortsword 2lbs

Weapon] Large Knife 1lb

Weapon] 2x Javelins 4lbs

Bottle 3lbs

34.5lbs / 40lbs

trauma-edge weapon rules

Out Type 5A Peltas for ST11

Clothes 2lbs

3-4, Face 5] Leather Helmet 0.5lbs 

17-18] none

9-11]Leather Armor  (front only) 5lbs 

8, L-arm 12]  none

15] none 

6-7, L-leg 13-14] none  

16] Sandals 0.5lbs


Small Shield (1/2) DB1, DR3, HP12, OP15, 2lbs 

Weapon] Large Knife 1lb

Weapon] 4x Javelins 8lbs

Bottle 3lbs …16lbs

22lbs / 24lbs

Out Type 5B Skirmisher for ST11

Clothes 2lbs

3-4, Face 5] Leather Helmet 0.5lbs 

17-18] none

9-11]Leather Armor (front only) 5lbs 

8, L-arm 12]  none

15] none 

6-7, L-leg 13-14] none  

16] Sandals 0.5lbs


Light Shield  DB1, DR2, HP10, OP3, 2lbs 

Weapon] Large Knife 1lb

Weapon] Longbow 3lbs 

(each with 20 arrows) 3lbs

(each with 20 arrows) 3lbs

Bottle 3lbs 

23lbs / 24lbs

You may want to check out these series from 1-6. I don’t know of a western equivalent that goes to this much detail and period analysis. if you know of one, 😀 share pls. 

Low Tech Notes. SPOILERS (high light to see)
Armor in Basic Set is much cheaper than Low Tech. It qualifies as “Cheap” armor quality and would have much less DR for the Light Scale and Medium. While the Scale armor would be considered a “Hauberk” by its weight except that the 1-3/d6 leg armor only covers front.  The Lorica Segmentata would have less DR because of cheap quality and protects the shoulder part of the arm. The Legionnaire and Leather Helm could only protect as much as 1/2 the face. The leather helm would be ~9x heavier! 

So many armor changes that you would have to make a new load out list. 

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