MC stands for Mass Combat, the page is the value after.
GURPS Mass Combat is for Narrative
Tactical Combat vs Narrative Combat.
In a Tactical Mapped Scenario the recon units would have had the ability to choose who to fight, picking out scouts or archers in numbers that would give them a win even if both rolled averages. In a Narrative scenario you are fighting the Total forces regardless of your actual physical location – this is where the Narrative System break down.
Note that such small scale scenarios Horses can only be good for 2 hours or 8 turns before the need to switch in a realistic environment. The GM may be giving an HT+4 check every 15 minutes with a -1 for every turn for potential Injury.
Tactical Mass Combat vs Regular Mass Combat
Significant Actions and Risk
- if players don’t have options in significant actions then they cannot make a value judgment or strategic decision on what they should do.
- Tweaks to give the player multiple contests, where he expends or re-allocate resources/tactics and rolling 3-4 times against someone 3-4 times would be more satisfying.
Training Time
True Cost! Simplifying Expenses
- Raising Cost, is always Inclusive of Raising Logistic Strength (MC13) – double Raising cost.
- Add Terrain Type modifier (MC10). Terrain modifiers is the equivalent of giving Recon to some units (it grants ‘+1 to recon tests and ‘+4 if everyone has the same terrain specialty; See MC29), and it Doubles TS for the purposes of Recon, Battle, and Superiority!
- because it adds a small bump in Raising cost but no additional cost to maintenance units “gaining” Terrain specializations would be common. In the end it adds as much time to train as their raising cost. Units that can spare that time can “gain” the terrain specialization.
- The closest to having a Bowmen with Recon is Woodland Bowmen.
- Practically many units will have woodland because of how much forest there was back in the day.
- Maintenance inclusive of Logistics Maintenance – increase maintenance cost by x1.5 or CF+0.5
- Plus budget for Force Loss. A Very Good commander will have about up to 10% loss per turn even if he manages to win. You may not be fighting many winning battles but you’re bleeding a nick at a time.
- If you add 10% cost to raise to your maintenance cost you have 10% forces “Streaming” in or replacing your forces every month (x1.5+0.5 to maintenance). 20% additional cost to raise means 20% additional forces every month (x1.5+1.0 to maintenance).
- as an example Good Ave Light Cavalry is costs $30k to maintain. With the LS its $45, and with 20% replacement $75k per month! This adds 2 horsemen joining the ranks (squires being promoted or man-at-arms in training going to the front line). Personally I work with just 10% for a simple x2 maintenance cost. So my $48k horse archers would be at $96k.
Where is Desperate Ground? You can say Sun Zi is an ass of a commander for intentionally putting his forces in desperate ground. Note that if you read the 9 situations he purposefully chooses to let his enemy surround his forces – so that they will fight more desperately. Its a dick move and I don’t know how I’d feel about a commander who put me in that position but it was a time and era where commanders kept their own counsel and more than the usual intrigue happened among generals. In this case I would waive the 25% casualty and let the commander roll leadership to see if everyone can get as desperate as he is… if the commander chose less risky action it would be harder to do such a move and without loss of respect and trust for a commander.
Sample Scenario: Attrition Warfare
- Note that I fixed this spreadsheet to have a Binary Toggle for Terrain Bonuses (a simple if statement).
What should Force A do? Horsearchers excel in Skirmish and check out what happens in each strategy. In a Recon Test, assuming commanders are equal in competence,
- Attack? The Horse Archer chooses Skirmish, he get ‘+2 and assuming you both roll 10 Force A has a MoS of 6 for 25%-5% casualties (2 men) for -1, while the force which won lose 5% (5 men).
- Indirect Attack? The Horse Archer chooses Skirmish, he get ‘+2 and assuming you both roll 10 Force A has a MoS of 3 doubled to 6 for 25%-5% casualties (2 men) for -4 and , while the force which won lose 5% (5 men).
- On a Raid against confused enemies they can have a ‘+1 to attack and the enemy must Rally or Full Retreat. If both Roll 10, Force A would have rallied and inflicted some casualties at a Margin of 5 or 20% (2 horsemen) at the Raiding force, while the Raiding force deals -2 or 10% (10 men)
- This worthwhile if you can target your losses. If the 10 men lost were Bowmen or Scouts then the 2 horsemen would have been worthwhile.
- On a Skirmish against confused enemies they can have no bonus to attack and the enemy must Rally or Full Retreat. If both Roll 10, Force A would have rallied and inflicted some casualties at a Margin of 5 or 20-5% (1 horseman, -3 strategy penalty) at the Raiding force, while the Raiding force deals -2 or 10% (10 men). Next round the Skirmishers disappear into the night.
- This becomes more effective if you can “Target” your losses but skirmishes are opportunistic it really depends on the GM.
- You need an overwhelming Recon Advantage to do Raids. Your Forces has to be comparable and at a recon superiority. If the Horse Archers were Terrain specific and they were fighting in that terrain vs non-terrain units. Note that the Mongols, masters of logistics, would map out all enemy territory and trained in that. When armies assembled untrained levies, the mongols could easily mow them down.
Aid in resolving Scenarios – spreadsheet that helps calculate all the Superiority and Battle TS modifiers. Since in Tactical Combat it has more varied who you encounter this will help the GM out.
Create Low Tech Armies – This helps you build your armies with TRUE cost parameters.
So basically Running GURPS Mass Combat should be easier now.
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