Making a bunch of templates for this long project I had for years. Basically its GURPS Low Tech Lite, for my own uses. So basically have a GURPS lite with enough details for a campaign and for low tech. Trying to do each professional template at this level of detail. It appears that the booklet is about 80pages (currently at 30 pages thats been proof and so much more to type and prep) of letter size in Liberation Sans 10.5.
My philosophy is done enough to start ASAP. I know people are busy, expecting anyone to read anything that would eat up 5 minutes is too much these days lolz (snif). Here even a newbie GM can just cut and paste things and start right away. So here is a piece of the chapter in Professions. So basically key units of Mass Combat will be represented and various types of Agents (social focused professions like Courtiers, Bureaucrats, Charismatics/Politicians, Thiefs and Scoundrells).
I had some breakthroughs particularly keeping the format pretty nice and being to index everything. I keep trying to have in mind that people would just need to cut and past with little alteration. If they bother to read the Notes they will understand why the skill levels are of this way so that they can change it according to their own needs and expectations.
More importantly I guess is that It focuses on some Medieval Demographics in stats. You will see a lot of 10s and working with the assumptions that 1:100 has at least 10 in ST, DX, and HT. If you adhere to those demographics then Manpower is in short supply and valuable. At the same time you will notice a bunch of other things about population demographics that paint and interesting scenery for the setting… for me at least.
The template does not fill up all the points. I kept a 60pt budget for skills and 35 to 60 for advantages. People have TALENTS and are gifted in a narrow field. Players can splurge their remaining points that make the character heroic or round out the character.
Mass Combat Notes is for Advanced Players and GMs. basically they want to zoom in and out in the Scale they are playing. There will be a map for this purpose and demonstrations. I cannot emphasize the importance of Demos. Demos make what looks complicated simple.
Heavy Infantry
/ 100 points
Infantry is the term for warriors that fight in an organized close
formation. Because of their manner of
fighting, they often rely on medium to large shields.
Template Notes
heavy Infantryman below, begins play with a shield and skilled in
either shield wall. They all have shield of 14. Their primary weapon
skill is 14, and secondary weapon at 12, and ranged weapon at 12.
infantry is typically armed with Spears as their primary weapon.
Axes/Maces were common in much more ancient eras, Swords in more
later eras.
Spears, Heavy Spears, and Pole-Arms were used by Pikemen and
Halberders respectively. They are a kind of heavy infantry, with the
former using slung shields to allow them to wield the spear two
handed, while the other relies on heavier armor. Typically these
variants rely on Teamwork Perk instead of Shieldwall.
Heavy infantry is a blocking force or a slow moving, coordinated, and
determined attacking force. Their range weapon is to add shock and
disrupt their main engagement for the day.
ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 10 [0]
Damage 1d-2/1d; BL20lbs.; HP10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 10
[0]; SPD 5.00 [0]; Move 5 [0].
Language (example: Greek) Speak/ Comprehend (Native, Fluent) [0]; Greek
Read/Write (None) [0]; Innumerate [0].
Wealth: Above Average (x1.5) [5]; Warrior
Talent 2
levels (Hiking, Tactics, Survival, Soldier, Savoir-Faire: Warrior,
Running) [20]; Combat Reflex [15]; Patron (Duty, Hazardous Freq-12)
points choosen from among Callous
[-5]; Code of Honor (Soldier) [-10]; Obsession (self-control-12;
long term goal) [-10]; Intollerance (against one people or class)
[-5]; Secret (worth being exiled or shunned) [-10]; Greed
(self-control-12) [-15]; Bloodlust (self-control-12) [-10]; Social
Stigma (Minority) [-5]; Disicpline of Faith (Ritualism) [-5]; Odious
Personal Habits [-5]; Nightmares (self-control-12) [-5]; Flashbacks,
Mild (3/3d6 on any stressful event) [-5]; Phantom Voices, Annoying
(3/3d6 on any stressful event) [-5]; Post Combat Shakes
(self-control-12) [-5]; Selfish (self-control-12) [-5].
Choose between Shield Wall Perk, Weapon
Bond Perk, or Team Work Perk; •
Choose a Primary Weapon: Spear (A) DX+4
[16]-14, Axe/Mace (A) DX+4 [16]-14, Shortsword (A) DX+4 [16]-14,
Polearms (A) DX+4 [16]-14, or Broadsword (A) DX+4 [16]-14;
Shield (E) DX+4 [12]-14; Hiking (A) HT+1 [4]-16;
Choose a Secondary Weapon: Spear (A) DX+2 [8]-12, Axe/Mace (A) DX+2
[8]-12, Shortsword (A) DX+2 [8]-14 (or Broadsword-2), Polearms (A)
DX+2 [8]-12, Knife (E) DX+3 [8]-13, or Broadsword (A) DX+2 [8]-12 (or
Shortsword-2); •
Choose a between Throwing Axe/Mace (E) DX+2 [4]-12, or Throwing Spear
(E) DX+2 [4]-12; Soldier (A) IQ [2]-12;
Wrestling (A) DX [2]-10; Survival
(Forest) (A) Per [2]-12;
Tactics (H) IQ-2 [1]-10;
Savoir-Faire (Warrior) (E) IQ [1]-12;
Running (A) HT-1 [1]-11.
Area Knowledge (Homeland) (E) IQ [0]-10; Farming (A) IQ+2 [8]-12.
Sample Load-Out
Regular Clothes $240; 2lbs
Light Plate Pot Helm,(DR4) $210; 2.7lbs
Light Scale Front (DR3F; -1 vs cr) $160; 8lbs
Shoes (DR2*) $40; 2lbs
Large Shield $64; 10lbs
Balanced Spear $280; 4lbs
x2 Javelin $60; 4lbs
Long Knife $120; 1.5lbs
$13; 3lbs
Setting Notes
level of professionalism to train heavy infantry. Often they are made
up the smallest land holding station (Freemen, Citizens, Sergeants, )
the weaker the civiliztion’s logistics the more they self equip
wealthier each soldier has to be, while the more organized the
civilization they become more uniform, professional, and provide the
basic war-making necessities.
Background Skills of Heavy Infantry reflects their status, a land
owning farmer who delegates the labor to tenant farmers who are
either serfs or slaves.
Mass Combat
Combat, this defaults as Poor Average
Heavy Infantry.
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