Lets have a quick review of some key concepts.
Let’s Review
- Magery (B66) is a Binary Answer: Magical or Non-Magical. Since there is no Extra-Perception Stimuli I’m actually puzzled how to describe it consitently without falling into a Meta-game description: “magical”. Exception Mana Enhancer (B68).
- Quick Contests (B348). Ties is Both Lose. Funny that Quick Contests are only covered in Basic Set Campaigns.
- Information Spells (B241 & M13). Secret Rolls! Only in Critical Failure and Success does the GM say anything. Otherwise the GM says “404 error” lolz.
- The Rule of 16 (B349). this may affect Sense Observation… MAY, note that Sense Observation is not an Attack Spell. Its ability to Trace back the source of Observation becomes very hard to use with the Rule of 16 since the Trace back attempt is always at a -5 penalty.
Hostile Intent (rule this out early)
Scryguard (M121)
In Doctrine 01 we learned that Scryguard is one spell everyone casts everyday because: its fairly easy to maintain, and some masters cast it multiple times a day since it costs nothing for them to maintain it for Allies.
Things the GM must Rule ahead of time
- How it Affects History Spell? I like a good puzzle so I’m making Scry Guard distort History Spells.
- How it Affects Impressions? This is fairly complicated but can be simplified. While under the influence of Scryguard what happens to the impressions left on objects? If you let it distort history, it acts like an emissions or signature negater, then it may also distort the impressions left items (of course biological remains are a different story). for WBH I’m ruling it distorts impressions, (they are unreliable and subject to GM misinformation).
- How it affects Sense Observation? Wording wise you have be observed in order for Sense Observation to work. But there are many legal ways to interpret this that allows even a failed Seeker/Magical Observation/Observation skill roll attempt to Trigger Sense Observation because the Act of spying and scrying is all that is needed not the SUCCESS of the action. I like my game to be a bit cloak and dagger/cat and mouse, so I’ll allow just the mere act of Trying to observe (successful or not) enough to trigger Sense Observation. Often we gather information that does not make sense, but the act of gathering information has used up time, effort and resources (its tangible).
- Tracer? (M106) This bypasses Scry Guard BUT it does not bypass Sense Observation only when The Mage concentrates to locate the Tracer. Tricky eh, so “tagging” someone with a Tracer and only activating later on will require fore-thought and planning. Something I want in my games.
Sense Observation (M167) and the Surveillance State (GM Ruling)
The GM has to rule if Passive Observation, one that does not target someone specifically Triggers a response. Because of how tricky this matter is, in WBH I rule that the spell is triggered anytime information about the character can be collected. That means that a character will find himself being “Pinged” by his cellphone as it sends data to a cell tower. Character must rely on very low tech means of sending information or Comm/Empathy spells for communicating.
The spells identifies many threats, so a character will be wise to get Expertise: Security or Electronics Operation: Security skill to identify and judge the threats. Even an NPC just taking smart phone pictures of his comrades with the mage in view can Trigger the Sense Observation for the character to look away from the camera. If someone does that Dark Knight trick where all cellphones are hacked to gather information, Sense Observation will notice.
Characters who have this spell on will immediately notice if their phones’ power-down state is a sleep state or truly an Off-state (unless a RFID switch triggers and powers the “on” state with a radio signal of the phone, the Sense Observation will only be triggered when the RFID is activated). If they are on a Computer, the spell will trigger if they are Online and if they don’t have enough computer savy, it will alert them of basic keylogger programs that are used for debugging (which the character has to use a Computer Operations Roll -2 to turn off lolz). Suffice to say, a character has to make Computer Operation Rolls to customize his OS to gather less inforamtion about him/her. Paranoid Mages only use Linux Lolz (there is a Distro for Mages lolz! which is the same used by the paranoid)
Seeker One Try Per Week (GM Ruling)
Sense Observation and Scry Guard
Sense Observation in a crowded street? You feel everyones gaze as they walk by but you know it when one gaze lingers longer than the rest.
Killian has a Scryfool-30 (Scroll, cast after all the prep spells; +5 from High mana mana enhancer 2) on Osman, Scry Guard-26 on himself (first spell cast) and Sense Observation-23 (2nd spell cast; -1 penalty) Set up on himself, and he is guarding Osman.
An Adept casts a Seeker-29 (Scroll cast ceremonially; double energy cost for +4, x20 the time) on Osman. The Adept has set up Scryguard-24 (1st spell cast) and has Sense Observation-22 (2nd spell cast; -1 penalty)
The Adept rolls a 11 with a margin of 18 success with Seeker-29 vs Killian’s Scryfool of 30 rolling 12 (18 margin of success), they Tie in a Quick Contest and “Both Fail”. The Adept cannot seem to gather any information and is frustrated. Still the Act Triggers Sense Observation-23 vs IQ Adepts IQ10. The adept Rolls 12, failing by 2, and Killian rolls 9 succeeding by 14, for a Total Success of 16.
Killian can make a Seeker roll at +16 – 5 for unfamiliar at his Seeker-18 for a total of 29. Killian rolls a 10 for a margin of 19 vs the Adepts rolls 9 for a margin of 15! Killian is able to penetrate the Adept’s Scryguard and able to see the Adept’s Whereabouts (he probably makes an Observation Check and cast Memorize to get all the details).
The Adept gets a chance to detect Killian with his one Sense Observation (a quick contest). Killian rolls vs his IQ12, a 13 (failed by 1), and the Adept rolls his Sense Observation-22 with a 8. He has a +15 to detect Killian with a Seeker BUT alas Seeker can only be attempted 1 per Week!
Counter Intelligence Traps
Illusions Surveillance Machines
Alternate Identities (GM ruling)
What Happens Next?
Once you know the Identity and Location (through Trace) of who you are looking for, you have the foot in the door. When its Large Organizations vs Large Organizations (symmetric warfare), things can be porous because they will both use social engineering against each other weakest link.
Large Versus Small (asymmetric warfare), unless Small has the initiative it is pretty much a straight forward rub-out. If Small has the initiative, then guerrilla tactics/shadow warfare and exploiting the weakest Link of the larger organization.
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