NPC mages using Ritual Magic. Having these set up determines the value and accessibility of mage resources. Layer your appreciation of HR and you the formula of a complex and intricate system of magical manpower and logistics.
Magical Infrastructure: Assistants
This is where RPM and RM diverge, in RPM the mage does not need so many assistants and can basically achieve a lot without a magical footprint. This is the advantage James’ character has in a setting with mostly RM mages who have Powerful Patrons and a population to exploit for mana.
Take note Powerstones are one of the core pillars in using RM mages. I’ve capped the starting available powerstone in the WBH Setting, because its going to be a head-ache for me if I didn’t. Still at the cap of 15 power plus the Mage’s own FP and maybe a skilled mage familiar’s FP the mage can be formidable. Able to employ about less than a handful of powerful spells in an encounter… but unlike the RPM mages who can employ a whole weeks worth of spells almost all instantaneously.
As Powerstones are important in both Encounters and Enchantments, the Mage needs Ceremonial Magic to allow him to have an Assistant supplement his FP. So basically Ceremonial Magic is a trade off of Time to get more FP. At 20FP per casting of a powerstone mages need assistant to draw from and typically more than one assistant, it depends on the setting how many assistants since Mages have skill penalties for every assistant. In WBH setting, at Magery 15, it is typical to have 5 assistant (the Ally group advantage).
The caster needs mage assistants, and an organization needs mage assistants with a “succession” plan if rivals/competitors assassinates or pirates them. A dedicated assistant, is very useful for a mage since they are very prep-intensive. Ritual Magic Mages require more assitance than Ritual Path Magic Mages.
GM notes. Allies that are compensated by the PCs are very loyal, especially when paid in CP. In this point I grant the “Plot Protection/Armor” to the Ally when it comes to matters of Loyalty but these are still dependents and the PC should take care of them.
FTE, or Full-Time-Equivalents is a useful term to measure manpower.
Freq-9 (11 days out of 30) is Head Count * 0.36 FTE
Freq-12 (22.5 days out of 30) is Head Count * 0.75 FTE
So if you have 10 people and they have a Freq-9, any workday there will be only 5 people available. (10 * 0.5 = 5 FTE)
This is considering 20 work day a month, assuming a buffer for leaves and weakends.
FTE can be used to determine 24/7 presence. If you stagger your Allies into shifts, you can determine your 24/7FTE. Simply its getting
Freq-9 (11 days out of 30) is Head Count * 0.07 for 24/7 FTE
Freq-12 (22.5 days out of 30) is Head Count * 0.15 for 24/7 FTE
Freq-15 (28 days out of 30) is Head Count * 0.19 for 24/7 FTE
You want a novice that will always guarding the PC 24/7, and you have 20 people. 20 * 0.15 means at any point there are 3 novices present.
Novice Ally (Startup Level)
Ally (Ally 50% of Mage’s Point Value; Frequency: Very Often, x2; Supernatural +50%; Dependent at 50% the Mage’s Point Value, Freq-6 -2 points) [7cp]
At freq-15 a day. that translates to 27 days a month, if you are a generous employer you would probably just give a few days leave to the ally per month.
Group of Initiates FTE 7 (common in the Mid-level Covens)
Ally (Ally 25% of Mage’s Point Value; Frequency: Often, x2; Supernatural +50%; Group x6; Dependent at 25% Point Value of the mage, Freq-6 -10) [8]
At freq-12 a day. that translates to 18 days a month. Pretty much a work month with leaves lolz. Since a mage in WBH setting only needs 5 at a time (to maintain the skill-20 level) then he will “shift” the 5 other mages to all him to enchant 30 days a month while giving them a fairly generous amount of leaves.
Group of Initiates FTE 15 (common in the Top Covens)
Ally (Ally 25% of Mage’s Point Value or 50cp for a 200cp mage, 1 point; Frequency: Often, x2; Group x8; Dependent at 25% Point Value of the mage, Freq-6 -10) [4]
Group of Novices FTE 7 (typical for the most most powerful Mages)
Ally (Ally 50% of Mage’s Point Value or 100cp for a 200cp mage, 2 points; Frequency: Often, x2; Group x6; Dependent at 50% Point Value of the mage, Freq-6 -5) [19]
Group of Novices FTE 15 (typical for the most powerful Covens)
Ally (Ally 50% of Mage’s Point Value or 100cp of 200cp mage, 2 points; Frequency: Often, x2; Group x8; Dependent at 50% Point Value of the mage, Freq-6 -5) [43]
Group of Novices FTE 37 (typical for the most powerful Covens)
Ally (Ally 50% of Mage’s Point Value; Frequency: Often, x2; Supernatural +50%; Group x10; Dependent at 50% Point Value of the mage, Freq-6 -5) [55]
Group of Novices FTE 75 (typical for the most powerful Covens)
Ally (Ally 50% of Mage’s Point Value; Frequency: Often, x2; Supernatural +50%; Group x12; Dependent at 50% Point Value of the mage, Freq-6 -5) [67]
Use the FTE to calculate their ability to make enchantments of Slow and Sure method. Basically the most powerful Coven has 75 man-hours to use. a 1000fp effigy would cost 13 days or 2 weeks straight of work. Each effigy earning the Coven about $250,000.
Top Covens (FTE 15) can find work making an Effigy in 10 weeks.
Mage, Novice
Attributes [0]: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 10 [0]
Secondary Characteristics [0]: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL9kg; HP10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 10 [0]; SPD 5.00 [0]; Move 5 [0]
Social Background [0]:
Template [0]: Wealth (Struggling) [-10; Duty, Hazardous (Freq-15) [-15]; Patron (Extremely Powerful) (B72) (9) [15]; Unusual Background [10]
Advantages [45]: Talent (Hidden Lore, Theology, Religious Ritual, Savoir Faire, Acting, Psychology) [10]; Magery 10 (Granted by Familiar -40%; Verbal and Somatic Components -40%) [25]; Formidable Familiar (150% point Ally 10 points or 112 point Familiar; Sympathy, death of ally brings Character to 0HP -25%; Constant Frequency x4; Dependent Freq-6 -1cp; Gadget Limitations – Can be Stolen, Opposed DX roll, -30%; Gadget Limitation – Size -5, -15%; Gadget limitation – Breakable, DR 15, -10% ) [7]; Mind-link (Granted by Familiar -40%) [3]
Typically has Mindlink (Granted by Familiar -40%; Limited Use, x10, -10%; Takes Recharge, x5, -20%; Maximum Duration, 1hour, -10%; ) [1]
Typically in the form of a metallic charm. example – a bracelet, necklace, amulet,
Disadvantages [-50]: • -50 points choose from among Addiction (B122) (Expensive, Legal; Inexpensive, Illegal; or Inexpensive, Legal, Highly Addicting) [-5]; Bad Sight (B123; Mitigated by Glasses, -60%) [-10]; Bad Temper (B125) (12) [-10]; Bloodlust (B125) (12) [-10]; Callous (B125) [-5]; Chummy (B126) [-5]; Code of Honor (B127) (Professional) [-5]; Compulsive Behavior (B128) (work with the GM with a appropriate mania or philia) [-5]; Cowardice (12) [-10]; Dependents (Family; Loved ones x2 cost) (6) [-7 to -15]; Enemies (B135) (Hunter, Equally Powerful or Small Group of Less Powerful) (6) or (Rival/Competitor Equally Powerful or Small Group of Less Powerful) (9) [-5]; Flashbacks, Mild (B139) [-5]; Greed (B137) (12) [-15]; Insomnia (B140) [-10]; Intolerance (Name a Social or Ethnic Group) (B140) [-5] Loner (B142) (12) [-5]; Nightmares (B144) (12) [-5]; Obsession (B146) (long term goal) (12) [-10]; Odious Personal Habits (B22) [-5]; Pacifism (B148) (Cannot Harm Innocents or Self Defense only) [-10]; Phantom Voices, Annoying (B148) [-5]; Post Combat Shakes (B150) (12) [-5]; Secret (B152) (will serve Prison) [-20]; Selfish (B153) (12) [-5]; Sense of Duty (B153) (Small Group) [-5]; Social Stigma (B155) (Criminal Record) [-5].
Primary Skills [32]: Theology (H) IQ [4]-12; Religious Ritual (H) IQ [4]-12; Ritual Magic (VH) IQ [8]-20; College/Path (VH) IQ [8]-20; College/Path (VH) IQ [8]-20;
Secondary Skills [20]: Acting (A) IQ+1 [4]-13; Hidden Lore (Mages) (A) IQ+1 [4]-13; Politics (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; Savoir Faire (Servants) IQ+2 [4]-14; Psychology (H) IQ [4]-10
Background Skills [8]: Area Knowledge (E) IQ [0]-10; Research (A) IQ [2]-10; Administration (A) IQ [2]-10; Artist (Calligraphy) (H) IQ [4]-10.
Mage, Adept
Attributes [0]: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 10 [0]
Secondary Characteristics [0]: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL9kg; HP10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 10 [0]; SPD 5.00 [0]; Move 5 [0]
Social Background [0]:
Template [10]: Duty, Hazardous (Freq-15) [-15]; Patron (Extremely Powerful) (B72) (9) [15]; Unusual Background [10]
Advantages [55]: Talent (Hidden Lore, Theology, Religious Ritual, Savoir Faire, Acting, Psychology) [10]; Magery 10 (Granted by Familiar -40%; Verbal and Somatic Components -40%) [35]; Powerful Familiar (150% point Ally 10 points or 150 point Familiar; Sympathy, death of ally brings Character to 0HP -25%; Constant Frequency x4; Dependent Freq-6 -1cp; Gadget Limitations – Can be Stolen, Opposed DX roll, -30%; Gadget Limitation – Size -5, -15%; Gadget limitation – Breakable, DR 15, -10% ) [7]; Mind-link (Granted by Familiar -40%) [3]
Typically in the form of a metallic charm. example – a bracelet, necklace, amulet,
Disadvantages [-50]: Template -5 • -45 points choose from among Addiction (B122) (Expensive, Legal; Inexpensive, Illegal; or Inexpensive, Legal, Highly Addicting) [-5]; Bad Sight (B123; Mitigated by Glasses, -60%) [-10]; Bad Temper (B125) (12) [-10]; Bloodlust (B125) (12) [-10]; Callous (B125) [-5]; Chummy (B126) [-5]; Code of Honor (B127) (Professional) [-5]; Compulsive Behavior (B128) (work with the GM with a appropriate mania or philia) [-5]; Cowardice (12) [-10]; Dependents (Family; Loved ones x2 cost) (6) [-7 to -15]; Enemies (B135) (Hunter, Equally Powerful or Small Group of Less Powerful) (6) or (Rival/Competitor Equally Powerful or Small Group of Less Powerful) (9) [-5]; Flashbacks, Mild (B139) [-5]; Greed (B137) (12) [-15]; Insomnia (B140) [-10]; Intolerance (Name a Social or Ethnic Group) (B140) [-5] Loner (B142) (12) [-5]; Nightmares (B144) (12) [-5]; Obsession (B146) (long term goal) (12) [-10]; Odious Personal Habits (B22) [-5]; Pacifism (B148) (Cannot Harm Innocents or Self Defense only) [-10]; Phantom Voices, Annoying (B148) [-5]; Post Combat Shakes (B150) (12) [-5]; Secret (B152) (will serve Prison) [-20]; Selfish (B153) (12) [-5]; Sense of Duty (B153) (Small Group) [-5]; Social Stigma (B155) (Criminal Record) [-5].
Primary Skills [32]: Theology (H) IQ [4]-12; Religious Ritual (H) IQ [4]-12; Ritual Magic (VH) IQ [8]-25; College/Path (VH) IQ [8]-25; College/Path (VH) IQ [8]-25;
Secondary Skills [20]: Acting (A) IQ+1 [4]-13; Hidden Lore (Mages) (A) IQ+1 [4]-13; Politics (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; Savoir Faire (Servants) IQ+2 [4]-14; Psychology (H) IQ [4]-10
Background Skills [8]: Area Knowledge (E) IQ [0]-10; Research (A) IQ [2]-10; Administration (A) IQ [2]-10; Artist (Calligraphy) (H) IQ [4]-10.
Mages, Masters
Masters serve as Lieutenants to Arch Mages.
Attributes [20]: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 10 [0]
Secondary Characteristics [0]: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL9kg; HP10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 10 [0]; SPD 5.00 [0]; Move 5 [0]
Social Background [0]:
Template [30]: Duty, Hazardous (Freq-15) [-15]; Patron (Extremely Powerful) (B72) (9) [15]; Unusual Background [10]; Wealth (Wealthy) [20]
Advantages [55]: Talent (Hidden Lore, Theology, Religious Ritual, Savoir Faire, Acting, Psychology) [10]; Magery 10 (Granted by Familiar -40%; Verbal and Somatic Components -40%) [35]; Formidable Familiar (150% point Ally 10 points or 225 point Familiar; Sympathy, death of ally brings Character to 0HP -25%; Constant Frequency x4; Dependent Freq-6 -1cp; Gadget Limitations – Can be Stolen, Opposed DX roll, -30%; Gadget Limitation – Size -5, -15%; Gadget limitation – Breakable, DR 15, -10% ) [7]; Mind-link (Granted by Familiar -40%) [3]
Typically in the form of a metallic charm. example – a bracelet, necklace, amulet,
Disadvantages [-50]: • -50 points choose from among Addiction (B122) (Expensive, Legal; Inexpensive, Illegal; or Inexpensive, Legal, Highly Addicting) [-5]; Bad Sight (B123; Mitigated by Glasses, -60%) [-10]; Bad Temper (B125) (12) [-10]; Bloodlust (B125) (12) [-10]; Callous (B125) [-5]; Chummy (B126) [-5]; Code of Honor (B127) (Professional) [-5]; Compulsive Behavior (B128) (work with the GM with a appropriate mania or philia) [-5]; Cowardice (12) [-10]; Dependents (Family; Loved ones x2 cost) (6) [-7 to -15]; Enemies (B135) (Hunter, Equally Powerful or Small Group of Less Powerful) (6) or (Rival/Competitor Equally Powerful or Small Group of Less Powerful) (9) [-5]; Flashbacks, Mild (B139) [-5]; Greed (B137) (12) [-15]; Insomnia (B140) [-10]; Intolerance (Name a Social or Ethnic Group) (B140) [-5] Loner (B142) (12) [-5]; Nightmares (B144) (12) [-5]; Obsession (B146) (long term goal) (12) [-10]; Odious Personal Habits (B22) [-5]; Pacifism (B148) (Cannot Harm Innocents or Self Defense only) [-10]; Phantom Voices, Annoying (B148) [-5]; Post Combat Shakes (B150) (12) [-5]; Secret (B152) (will serve Prison) [-20]; Selfish (B153) (12) [-5]; Sense of Duty (B153) (Small Group) [-5]; Social Stigma (B155) (Criminal Record) [-5].
Primary Skills [32]: Theology (H) IQ [4]-13; Religious Ritual (H) IQ [4]-13; Ritual Magic (VH) IQ [8]-26; College/Path (VH) IQ [8]-26; College/Path (VH) IQ [8]-26;
Secondary Skills [20]: Acting (A) IQ+1 [4]-14; Hidden Lore (Mages) (A) IQ+1 [4]-14; Politics (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; Savoir Faire (Servants) IQ+2 [4]-15; Psychology (H) IQ [4]-11.
Background Skills [8]: Area Knowledge (E) IQ [0]-10; Research (A) IQ [2]-10; Administration (A) IQ [2]-10; Artist (Calligraphy) (H) IQ [4]-10.
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