I’ve been watching bakuman and I’ve been thinking my own professional experience. Commenting on other people’s work has its own trade-off, if you say anything its your duty to see it through.
Thats thing about comments and advice, you have to see it through when it affects the person you gave it through seriously. If a person is basing their professional decision on your professional advice there is a duty to make sure there is nothing lost in translation and the quirks in implementation is minimized.
Owning to a professional call is part of being a professional, aslo advice with no credibility or stake are USELESS and adds to the noise and confusion. That is why unsolicited advice requires commitment when made.
Now that I’ve explained why there is a duty to unsolicited advice, and no one typically comments on your work unless they are willing to follow through and ready to defend your professional call. (if the person does not understand this, explain them the protocol and if they do not agree or understand why such is set up) So its up to myself to ask when I need help or could use help.
Ask too much help and you appear useless or a moocher, ask to little and you can be blindsided. In Art, like bakuman, even more so because there is no time to let a creative product rest and let the writer get objectivity. once you start on an artistic project you are BLINDEd by your own emotion, commitment, and perspective and your ability to sort out its flaws is through your close professional peers.
I’ve been on the receiving end of harsh constructive criticism and it helped me grow as an Artist. I’m thankful for Paco Velayo for that in gradeschool to early highschool. My editors were also harsh and constructive, but self study can only go so far and Apprenticeship would have been the next and best step as soon as I was able to balance criticism and all the difficult emotions that follow.
You never get over criticism, of course you evolve to listen to only certain people when it comes to those. People who have a great track record in being on the right and you can feel have your best interests at heart. So your ear does not get worn out with all the noise.
These days, its hard to look for someone to look at your work and comment about it. Although i’ve been digesting mostly Anime, I hope the diversity of my tastes (sci-fi, professional drama, historical etc..) illustrate that I can find out whats fun in a work and my writing tells people I can put it into words and my technical expertise allows me to bring the ideas into technical perspective.
Of course in the end my marketing decision: Slow and Sure, or Popular and Trendy strategy is clearly on the slow and sure. Particularly my bad experience with a poor use of credibility and branding. Its a waste of peoples trust to gamble it in Popular and Trendy and with Slow and Sure the Strategic part is a sure fun exercise in technical execution and a study of human nature.
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