My experience in HR, growing operations, training and Recruitment has put together me face to face with the difficulty of succession and finding leaders.
Also being in a management position also makes me aware of the problem if leadership. Although recruitment gives me the statistics of how many people are cut for leadership in call center it can give a rough benchmark when I consider more difficult and complex Professions that require special backgrounds and training.
Its funny cause attitude is not a physical object but its presence is felt in a business in performance, recruitment, and adversity. I can’t ask for attitude, all I can do is detect it and guess at its presence in people and potential recruits. You can create attitude but its time consuming and really asks you to give up a part of you and it is fragile in incubation, and the emotional investment in developing it.
It is many ways very real, but very hard to detect and prove. In storytelling I can will it, but in real life often, we see failure because it isn’t there.
When you are in recruitment, you are really playing statistics and gaming at a way to capture the people who have the right attitude along with all other desirable traits. Its depressing to think of the statistics because many are willing, but truly they are not able.
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