Learning a new system, WH40K, I see the same Talents = Feats (d20) = qualities (SoIF) = advantages (GURPS) while skills are similar to skills in D20 and GURPS.
You automatically succeed in Tasks where you have a 12 or 60%+ chance (don’t ask permission just assume you succeed) unless you are an opposing an NPC. I’m trying to reduce rolling for more special occasions or Schelling points so that I can give more airtime.In situations where you are stacking the odds in your favor, keep track of your bonuses for me. So when you narrate or tell me what you are doing, you can focus on your part of the story and not worry about the system. Details, logistics, and preparation matter in Problem Solving very much but I don’t want to roll for every detail. To keep information asymmetric I won’t say the roll Modifiers nor will i say if you finish all that you’ve done.
I will assume, Your character does what he sets out to do optimally if that is his specialization or forte, (A matter of good faith) so know that all the bonuses that you may have missed the GM has considered but this does not guarantee success BUT it does clear up that you should attempt a different strategy if you fail. Don’t worry about the rules focus on you getting the details or narrative right (which ever story telling method you enjoy). The ability to change strategy on your feet is important, even for me as the GM who will have to do the same for every player.
Some emerging scientifically studied techniques Variable Priority Training is why turn order is important when GMing. my players who read this, should help me follow the turn order because its easy to loose track because there are “interrupt” or “reaction” actions that skip the turn order. I will try to cycle as quickly as possible for every player.
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