I’ve reference what I’m eating and then suddenly felt betrayed when I did the numbers. A Digestive is 300kcal for 15grams… a freaking biscuit has more calories than a piece of fried chicken!? Ok time to be a little bit more conscious.
Taking Pictures and Documenting what I eat really helps me remember and know where to find information regarding what I eat. Documentation is basically enhancing your memory, and improving the learning curve by taking that data and really basing the decision on that data.
While waiting for soylent to be available here in the Philippines in a reasonable cost (we do make 1/10 over here) it would be worth while to explore the logistics of making your own liquid substitute. I cannot hope to get soylent but I can have at least a meal substitude.
Then there are protein shakes the 130 calorie 240ml/8oz (30gram powder) that gives you 20g of protein. I don’t know if they are good for me yet or will work, but a sale convinced me to try it out. It works out to 67php per serving in the 1800php jar.
the powder scoop holds 20g so two scoops is actually 40g and it advertises 44 servings thats 1.3kg. so if I actually scoop in 40g servings thats 34 servings. 52php per serving in its normal price of 1800php.
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