Here is my List of things I do
Create a Roll20 Campaign
Prep the map
Look for a good background.
If a combat focused game I have
to prep the terrain-
Bad Footing
Hard Cover
Soft Cover (In Traveller, Clouds and Asteroid Fields can provide soft cover).
GM notes on the Terrain.
Prep the Macros
/gmroll <insert core
mechanic> -
/r <insert core mechanic>
Prep the PCs-tokens, Mooks and
NPC portraits-
Make certain stats visible,
Make it easy to differentiate
Prep the Jukebox
Fill it up with Music based on
the campaign theme and mood. Screening music takes time so I tend
to have a small, “go-to” list of music.
Prep the Handouts
Gdocs Shared Player Notes,
Players Shared Notes. -
Reference Handouts –
Ex. The Mooks Combat Reference
Maneuvers and PosturesEx. Grappling Basics
Upload Player Portraits and
Icons (made with Tokentool) -
Links to Useful References
Ex. Links to UWP and Traveller
World Maps -
Links to material and
Create Google Docs
Make GM notes.
Make Shared Player Notes.
Prep Event
Put all the Links of Gdocs,
References, and Roll20. -
Make a second event in Facebook.
After all this, Go through Charsheets and Update and Correct. Hopefully I can improve this processes.
Traveller Game Prep sharing the Roll20 Tokens I made using GURPS ISW tokens using GDrive and the Dropbox . I’m leaning to ISW more for the Traveller Game despite its very low popularity. I like being at TL9-10. I really like dwelling in the economic and cognitive revolution that appears just over the horizon.
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