This should also be my Phiippine Travel Blog

Just came back from Vigan. An epic 10hour drive with a 2-year old little boy. No nanny, just me, my wife and our little boy. I have a lot of notes to download into the web, I am just really tired.

To compound it I got LBM from eating in a mom&pop canteena. I should be more wary of such risks in the future.

Oh yeah, I was considering putting my research notes here. Particularly when I visit historical places. Having come from Vigan City, and walked along Crisologo Street a lot, while Staying in Ciudad Fernandina Hotel, there were a lot of ideas and learning regarding how the economy and social dynamics of a City of the 19th was at the time.

I just wish there was a Carlos Celdran like historian who was very charismatic and very knowledgeable regarding the town. I could help out using my knowledge regarding live-action role-playing’s theatrical productions side regarding a Live and Interactive intrigue and drama that happens across the ages from the 19C to the 1960s.

I was imagining wireless hidden lapells, cameras recording all that is happening to be composed after tourist season. The “Theater Production” happens in front of tourists, the way it would in a Renaissance
Fair with some theater, folk music, and a chance for immersion for people i the age.

I’m not a Vigan Expert, but I know more than, sadly, most. I know more about the era with its science, economy, politics, and culture. Working with a Script writer, i can have various dramas going on and playing out in the course of the tourist season. Tourists get to see a day in the life, with some modern edits when it came to sanitation, and allow themselves to get immersed.

the drama I had in mind is a Romeo and Juliet, who are from two competing families vying for control of the City. There will be two plays going on either end of the street, 2 hours each. There will be “backroom” activities that allow servants and elite on the streets going about their business. they ignore people out of costume, and interact with those in costume (which may be tourists). They stay in character. Some editing where they speak in Tagalog and English, particularly the “elites” as well as other languages as their character sees fit.

There will be cameras and modern items, that are pointedly ignored. The drama will be edited, even with the modern tourists and props present. The Big clincher is the Intrigue and Mystery. Tourists will have clues to where the drama is going. There will be multiple takes and twists recorded and played out live, with audience participation deciding which one will air while all the alternate story lines will be available in download or DVD.

All immersive Tourists, get to interactive and even revel with the characters. They can be guests of the house, with little scripts regarding their interaction. they can be a distant relative or friend on a visit to the city, a potential client, a business partner or employee, or a stranger who looks for company.

After the interaction, there will be time for Pictures. For special requests, for the small scripts, sale of the video clips and highlights of the interaction.

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