Its Alive! 19th Century Philippines is my Signature Game Setting

Hoping to start GMing again, I have to say Mahadlika or my take on the Noli Me Tangere will be part of my signature settings. I have begun trying to record the Charles Derbyshire version of the Noli, and OMG how tiring it is to control my accent for the duration of reading it.

I have recorded as much as 1 hours worth and I’m not yet even done with the Authors intro. I really want to make Noli accessible, by allowing people too busy to learn Philippine history to do so on the commute.

I am recording using my Note 2 record function while reading the PDF of the Noli in my Ipad 1. I just need some quiet. I hope to finish an hour a week. I won’t be editing it to make it better, since I have no time to do so, people will have to read it for themselves or listen to my work. Hopefully I will get better as I read through it all.

Philippine History Awareness or even Interest is practically non-existent even in Facebook. I guess times are that hard that History has become a Luxury and there are too many competing distractions.

I even started a Philippine History Group in Facebook. No biters either. I used to be part of Amang Pulo in Yahoo Groups, and there was no activity. The closes to Philippine History enthusiasts are WW2 Philippines Airsoft group in FB.

I am currently disbelieving what the current reality is telling me: there are no more filipinos who would care to remember the mistakes of the past. Because of this, It is of a greater likelihood we are doomed to repeat it.

Example: Carlos Celdran and the Offending Religious Feelings debacle. Not only did people forget the history of the church in the Philippines but also the people they have killed and massacres they brought about. Events Pule massacre, Gomburza, Rizal, 1888 Anti Cura petition, the land grabbing that they still posses to this day. Sigh… mistakes of the past, you don’t have to forgive them you just have to learn from them.

I know people hate this part of Philippine history: the Crap we took. I realized the game I was running was Cthuluh-esque. A dis-empowerment Fantasy, to reflect the overwhelming difficulty to change and improve life and how this is so much of a sacrifice, with almost nothing to expect in return. Since most gamers want an Empowerment Fantasy, Mahadlika and a Noli or El-Fili game would be a very difficult sell.

personally, i find Dis-empowerment game a form of cognitive correction exercise.  The ability to deal with a reality that is very difficult to accept or to manage. Getting conditioned in such a game, helps any person weigh risks with a conservative and pragmatic eye. It helps us exercise digging deep and understanding our main objectives, and being able to plan and strategies actions towards that goal.

Every end of Chapter I pan to talk about the “cliff notes” or main points.

Opening Text
Translators Introduction Part 1
Translators Introduction Part 2
This is my audio reading of Charles’ Derbyshire Translation of Noli Me Tangere. this is amature, and do not expect awesome ness. this is meant for people who are too busy and are willing to put up with my reading.

If I run out of material like History of the Philippine People, Roots of Dependency, Filipinos at War etc.. where I deal with Chapters and Cliff Notes.

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