Sample Characters for DnD d20 SRD Game

Home brew rules can be found here
As an authors note, since I have no setting to base this I’m basing this in the setting I know best: 1000s Europe. I draw mostly from my byzantine history knowledge, and I’m imagining the capital begins in a kind of Constantinople headed south east to Manzikert.

Sample Character

Thrash’Dun Garsh’Thoom Blood of Ul’da-goom Barbarian

Orc, Male, Age: 22

Med Humanoid (Orc); 4d12+8 (56 hp); Con: 14; Init:+1; Spd: 40 ft. (8); AC: 15 (+4 BAB; +1 Dex), ff-15; DR: 3/- (Studded Leather) ; BAB/Gr:+4/+10;


  • Falchion +10 melee (2d4+9/18-20) or
  • javelin +5 ranged (1d6+6);

Full Attack:

  • Falchion +10 melee (2d4+9/18-20) or
  • javelin +5 ranged (1d6+5);

S/R: 5 ft./5 ft; SA: Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense, Rage 2/day ; SQ: Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; Saves: F17, R12 (13 vs Traps), W10; Abilities: Str 22, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 6; Skills: Survival +7; Ride+1; Feats: Power Attack, Cleave; 
*The Strong Rule, 

*Violence is Respect,
*Action not Words

Rage Mode (7 rounds, brought to half HP after 7 rounds):

Con 18; AC: 13 (+4 BAB; +1 Dex; -2 Rage), t-13, ff-13; DR: 3/–
Attack: Falchion +12 melee (2d4+12/18-20) or javelin +5 ranged (1d6+8);
Full Attack: Falchion +12 melee (2d4+12/18-20) or javelin +5 ranged (1d6+8).

Fatigue Mode (can’t run or charge):

Con 14; AC: 14 (+4 BAB), t-14, ff-14; DR: 3/–
Attack: Falchion +9 melee (2d4+7/18-20) or javelin +4 ranged (1d6+5);
Full Attack: Falchion +9 melee (2d4+7/18-20) or javelin +4 ranged (1d6+5).

Medium Animal (WarPony); 2d8+4 (18 hp); Con: 14; Init:+1; Spd: 40 ft. (8); AC: 12 (+2 BAB; +1 Dex, -1 Size), ff-11; DR: 2/- ; BAB/Gr:+1/+3; Attack: Hoof +3 melee (1d3+2); Full Attack: 2 Hooves +3 melee (1d3+2); S/R: 10 ft./5 ft; SA: — ; SQ: Low Light Vision, Scent; Saves: F16, R15, W11; Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4; Skills: Per +5, Athletics +5; Feats: Endurance; Alignment: None;



Human; Male; Age: 32
Med Humanoid (Human M Fighter 4); 4d10+4 (44 hp); Con: 12; Init:+3; Spd: 30 ft. (6); AC: 16 (+4 BAB; +2 Dex), t-14, ff-14; DR: 4/- (Mail Shirt); BAB/Gr:+4/+6;

  • Sig MW Lance +8 melee (1d8+4/x3)
  • Sig MW Lance +8 melee mounted  (2d8+8/x3)
  • Shortsword +6 melee (1d6+2/19-20)
Full Attack:

  • Sig MW Lance +8 melee (1d8+4/x3)
  • Sig MW Lance +8 melee mounted  (2d8+8/x3)
  • Shortsword +6 melee (1d6+2/19-20)
S/R: 5 ft./5 ft; SA: — ; SQ: — ; Saves: F17, R15, W12; Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8; Skills: Handle Animal +5, Athletics +8, Ride +8, Knowledge: History +8; Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflex, Combat Expertise, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus: Lance; CR: 3; Alignment: A bought mercenary stays bought, your word is your bond, put your money where your mouth is.

Special notes: Treats Lance with interchangeable Properties with Longspear.

Combat Expertise

AC: 24 (+4 BAB; +3 Dex, +4 Shield, +3 Expertise), ff-21; DR: 4/- (Mail shirt);
Shortsword +2 melee (1d6+2/19-20)

Combat Expertise + Fighting Defensive

AC: 26 (+4 BAB; +3 Dex, +4 Shield, +3 Expertise, +2 Dodge), ff-23; DR: 4/- (Mail Shirt);
Shortsword -2 melee (1d6+2/19-20)

Shortsword, Lance, Dagger, Large Shield, Mail Shirt.

Large Animal (Heavy WarHorse); 4d8+6 (30 hp); Con: 15; Init:+1; Spd: 50 ft. (10); AC: 13 (+3 BAB; +1 Dex, -1 Size), ff-12; DR: 6/- (Studded Leather) ; BAB/Gr:+3/+11; Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4); Full Attack: 2 Hooves +6 melee (1d6+4), Bite +1 (1d4+2); S/R: 10 ft./5 ft; SA: — ; SQ: Low Light Vision; Saves: F14, R12, W12; Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4; Feats: Endurance, Run; Alignment: None;


Alexios of House Ducain

Elf; Male; Age: 160 (early 30s)
Med Humanoid (Elf M Diviner 3/ Fighter 1); 1d10 plus 3d4 (22 hp); Con: 10; Init:+1; Spd: 20 ft. (4); AC: 21 (+3 BAB; +2 Dex, +4 shield), ff-19; DR: 8/- (Fullplate); BAB/Gr:+2/+4;

S/R: 5 ft./5 ft; SA: Summon familiar (Brilliant) ; SQ: Immune to Sleep, +2 vs Enchantment, Low-light Vision, +2 to Perception, Detect Secret Doors in 5’ ; Saves: F13, R12, W12; Abilities: Str14, Dex12, Con10, Int16, Wis8, Cha12; Skills: Concentration +7, Knowledge: History +9, Spellcraft +9, Ride +8, Athletics +1, Perception +4; Feats:Scribe Scroll, Still Spell, Mounted Combat, Ride-by-attack; Alignment:
Spells (11 left /11pts):  
1st level- *True Strike (V,F)*,
2nd level-*Detect Thoughts (+5 vs Will)*


  • Lance +4 melee (1d8+3/19-20)
  • Mighty (Str14) Composite Shortbow +3 ranged (1d6+2/x3)
  • Longsword +4 melee (1d8+3/19-20)

Large Animal (Heavy WarHorse Familiar); 4d8+12 (44 hp); Con: 15; Init:+1; Spd: 50 ft. (10); AC: 13 (+3 BAB; +1 Dex, -1 Size), ff-12; DR: 9/- (Mail Shirt) ; BAB/Gr:+3/+11; Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4); Full Attack: 2 Hooves +6 melee (1d6+4), Bite +1 (1d4+2); S/R: 10 ft./5 ft; SA: — ; SQ: Low Light Vision, Share Spells, empathic link, Improved Evasion; Saves: F14, R12, W12; Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4; Feats: Endurance, Run; Alignment: None;

Scroll of True Strike, Still

House Ducain

Grandmother: Lady Ursela of House  Baccaryn (age 370; Late 60s)
Father: Lord Konstantine (age 280; Early 50s)
Mother: Lady Anne of House Angelous (age 230; Early 40s)
Older Brother: Sir Viktorion (Heir) (age 170; Early 30s)
Older Sister: Lady Bella (165; Early 30s)

The Ducain Lands.
9,000 acres

*He was Duke Tytos’s squire, and Tytos abused him and is very much still infatuated with him.
*Betrothed to Lady Yliani of House Baccarynn; disapproved by her brother Sir Malique
*Squired with Sir Jeremane, who has a constant rivalry with him, bordering on hatred. They stay far from each other to maintain an easy indifference.
*Duke Tytian (knows his secret, and is his current lord as a hostage exchange), and wants Alexois father, Lord Konstantine’s lands through Lady Bella and his vassal Godwin the Bastard.  
*He is inlove with Lady Alyss (bastard daughter of Lord Quentin of Hous Qish)

Rulfarr of Clan Dunnum

Dwarf; Male; Age 118 (early 30s)
Med Humanoid (Dwarf M Ranger 4); 4d8+4 (36 hp); Con: 12; Init:+2; Spd: 20 ft. (4); AC: 17 (+3 BAB; +2 Dex), t-17, ff-15; DR: 2/- (Leather); BAB/Gr:+4/+6;

  • Shortsword +6 melee (1d6+2/19-20)
  • Sig MW Mighty (Str14) Composite Shortbow +7 ranged (1d6+3/x3)
Full Attack:
  • Shortsword +6 melee (1d6+1/19-20)
  • Sig MW Rapid Shot Mighty (Str14) Composite Shortbow +5/+5 ranged (1d6+3/x3)

S/R: 5 ft./5 ft; SA: Favored Enemy: Giants (+2 to dmg, perception, sense motive, survival), Wild Empathy, Animal Companion, Spell Casting; SQ: Darkvision, Slow, Stability, Stone Cunning, +2 vs Poison, +2 vs Spells, +1 attack vs Orcs, +4 dodge vs Giants, +2 on Appraise, +2 in Craft, ; Saves: F15, R17, W12; Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8; Skills: Stealth +10, Survival +8, Ride +10, Handle Animal +6, Perception +8, Craft: Traps +10, Knowledge: History +8; Feats: Track, Endurance, Combat Style: Rapid Shot, Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery; Spells (1pt): Entangle x1; Alignment: .

Pepper, Bay, Basil, Onion, Rosemary
Medium Animal (WarPony); 2d8+4 (18 hp); Con: 14; Init:+1; Spd: 40 ft. (8); AC: 12 (+2 BAB; +1 Dex, -1 Size), ff-11; DR: 2/- ; BAB/Gr:+1/+3; Attack: Hoof +3 melee (1d3+2); Full Attack: 2 Hooves +3 melee (1d3+2); S/R: 10 ft./5 ft; SA: — ; SQ: Low Light Vision, Scent; Saves: F16, R15, W11; Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4; Skills: Per +5, Athletics +5; Feats: Endurance; Alignment: None;

Clan Dunnum

Grandfather and Chief:
Father: Gritter’mane (age 230; Early 60s)
Mother: Dalia of Clan Boffin (age 240; Early 60s)
Twin Sister: Rallyah (*Heir*) (118; early 30s)
Younger Sister: Katlane (age 94; Late 20s)
Younger Sister: Bethany (age 82 ; Mid 20s)

The Dunnum Lands.
123,000 mountain acres (not flat land)

* Loves his sister, Rallyah and wants her to have a chance as the Clan Shield Mother (the female equivalent of Chief). She stands a better chance with him in self exile.  
* Secret: His Father Gritter’mane has broken down since the breach of the Dunnum Hearth, 5 years ago. His claims that it was his “faulty intelligence” that made his father decide to the Clan defenders to hold the eastern wall, which resulted for a successful enemy feint and an attack from the south. He has taken the duty and self exile of frontier patrol as a result.
* Secret: His father let a young orc warrior live, an attack of compassion. The orc was a young warrior, who was crippled and blamed him, Gritter’man, for all the suffering of his people. Wanting to prove a bigger man, he let the orc escape… not knowing he was bearing valuable intelligence. In the frontier, Rulfar has lost the taste for killing orcs (he has no bonus against orcs).
* 3 year ago, when he left he went as far east as he could. He went so far as to find lands unknown to dwarves and elves. His brief stay earned the fierce hatred of an enemy who will cross the great steppes and deserts for revenge.
* Upon return, he got the most disliked assignment any dwarf could ever concieve – being oathbound to serve an Elven Lord (Duke Tytian).    


Sister Danae, Knight of the Order of the Lady of Pelor

Half-Elf; Female; Age: 50 (late 20s)
Med Humanoid (Half-Elf F Paladin 4); 4d10-3 (37 hp); Con: 8;
Init:+2; Spd: 30 ft. (6); AC: 18 (+4 BAB; +2 Dex, +2 Shield), ff-16; DR: 4/- (Mail Shirt); BAB/Gr:+4/+5;
  • Shortsword +5 melee (1d8+1/19-20)
  • Lance +5 melee mounted  (2d8+2/x3)
  • Sig Ma Mighty Composite Shortbow +7 ranged mounted (1d6+2/x3),
Full Attack:
  • Shortsword +5 melee (1d8+1/19-20)
  • Lance +5 melee mounted  (2d8+2/x3)
  • Sig Ma Mighty Composite Shortbow +7 ranged mounted (1d6+2/x3),  

S/R: 5 ft./5 ft; SA: Detect: those with no compassion, Lay on Hands 12hp, Smite – those without Compassion, Aura of Courage; SQ: Elven Blood, +1 to Perception, +2 Diplomacy and Gather Information, Low Light Vision, Divine Grace, Aura, Divine Health; Saves: F16, R16, W14; Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 16; Skills: Diplomacy +10, Sense Motive +7, Ride +3, Handle Animal+3; Feats: Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery; Alignment: the Strong Protects the Weak, Compassion, and Fairness, Humanity.
Spells (1pt/1pt)
1st Level: Restoration, lesser x1

Mount is Double Move (100ft or 20 spaces)

Sig MW Mighty Composite Shortbow +5 ranged mounted (1d6+2/x3)

Mount is Running (150ft or 30 spaces)

Sig MW Mighty Composite Shortbow +3 ranged mounted (1d6+2/x3)

Fighting Defensively

AC: 22 (+4 BAB; +2 Dex, +4 Shield, +2 Dodge), ff-20; DR: 4/- (Mail Shirt);
Shortsword +0 melee (1d6+1/19-20)

Large Animal (Heavy WarHorse); 4d8+12 (44 hp); Con: 15; Init:+1; Spd: 50 ft. (10); AC: 13 (+3 BAB; +1 Dex, -1 Size), ff-12; DR: 7/- (Mail Shirt) ; BAB/Gr:+3/+11; Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4); Full Attack: 2 Hooves +6 melee (1d6+4), Bite +1 (1d4+2); S/R: 10 ft./5 ft; SA: — ; SQ: Low Light Vision; Saves: F14, R12, W12; Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4; Feats: Endurance, Run; Alignment: None;

Order of the Lady of Pelor
This is an Order founded in the Year 820 when the town of Celestine was devastated by Plague and a Siege. The women were instrumental in the survival of the Town and an unnamed Lady performed a miraculous defense of the town, and convinced the Duke of Xeen terms of peace. It is said that she took into herself all the suffering and plague, cleansing the town. The act obliterated her, brightening the spot where she disintegrated in a halo glow. Her show of courage, compassion, and leadership created a following seeking to emulate her. There are girls touched by the Lady’s gift exhibit qualities that allow them to Divine Spellcasters or Holy warriors.
Agents of the Order, go to war torn lands and provide aid and succor to victims of war. They try to act as 3rd party peace negotiators.
Celestine is a thriving Citadel in is a very poor region, which survives by refugees and trade.    

Holy Order Vows
(Not in Order of Priority)

  1. Celibacy
  2. Chastity
  3. Poverty – Wealth is turned over and handled by the orders bureaucrats. Personal Property, limited to what can be carried.
  4. Observe a Vow of Silence on Sunday
  5. No Flesh (Vegetarian)
  6. Protect the Weak, Avoid Killing (follows Self Defense and War protocol)
  7. Always extend Kindness, Compassion, Fairness and Generosity to strangers and even enemies. Of course caution still observed around threats.


Vasil, default personality with PCs is Mendel
Half Elf; ???; Age: >60 (???)
Med Humanoid (Half-Elf ? Bard 4); 4d6 (24 hp); Con: 12; Init:+2; Spd: 30 ft. (6); AC: 15 (+3 BAB; +2 Dex), ff-15; DR: 2/- (Leather); BAB/Gr:+3/+2;

Attack (as Mendel): AC 19 (+3 BAB, +2 Dex, +4 shield), ff-17; DR 2/– (appears to have mail, but is infact leather)

  • shortsword +2 melee (1d6-1/19-20) (mostly commands)

S/R: 5 ft./5 ft; SA: Spell Casting (spontaneous), Bardic Lore +4, Barding Performance 4/day, Countersong, Fascinate 2 creatures in 90ft, Inspire Courage +1 morale bonus to attack & dmg, Inspire Competence +2 competence bonus; SQ: Elven Blood, +1 to Perception, +2 Diplomacy and Gather Information, Low Light Vision, ; Saves: F16, R14, W12; Abilities: Str12, Dex14, Con10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16; Skills: Performance +10, Disguise +10, Perception +7, Gather Information +12, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Stealth +9, Sense Motive +6; Feats: Dodge, Mobility ; Spells (10pts; known: 6 0-lvl, 3 1st-lvl, 2 2nd-lvl); 
0-lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Message, Lullaby, Ghost Sounds, Mage hand, 
1st-Lvl: Charm Person, Disguise Self, Silent Image, 
2nd-lvl: Invisibility, Suggestion; Alignment: .

Role-Playing notes.
The trick to this character’s persuasion is always being someone else. The Basil knows only enough to temporarily pass off as someone else. he/she never reveals her underlying personality and has many layers of roles and personalities. Each personality is used to keep their own “credibility and expectations”. It allows Vasil to use any avenue. It appears that player has multiple NPCs.

John Merkant -The Honest Merchant (Diplomacy and gather info). A mustachioed man who knows his crafts and wood work. Has little words and serious about business.
Sister Mary Weather – The Flirtatious Nun (Diplomacy and gather info). A dirty minded old nan, who likes the boys and men.
Brother Gold  – The Proud and Avaricious Elderly Monk (Bluff and Gather info). A monk with so many “relics” and a greedy and miserly horder.
Fish Sticks – The wandering street urchin (stealth and perception). Scruffy independent and headstrong youth of indeterminate gender.
Greentooth – Cowardly Mercenary (stealth and bluff). A weakling of a mercenary, will do whatever to please.
Mendel of House Kirynn – Ascetic Noble (Inspire Courage and Competence). Balding One eyed Veteran Knight. Speaks very well and a inspiration.
Vasil – the Unrequited Poet (Gather info and Perform). A handsome youth, who loves the ladies and men.


Lady Alyss
Half-Elf; Female; Age: 55 (Early 30s)
Med Humanoid (Half-Elf F Rogue 4); 4d6 (24 hp); Con: 12; Init:+3; Spd: 30 ft. (6); AC: 16 (+3 BAB; +3 Dex), ff-16; DR: 2/- (Leather); BAB/Gr:+3/+2;

Attack: AC 16 (+3 BAB, +3 Dex), ff-16; DR 2/–

  • Shortsword +6 melee (1d6-1/19-20)
  • Comp. Shortbow +6 ranged (1d6-1/x3)

S/R: 5 ft./5 ft; SA: Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Trapsense +1, Trapfinding; SQ: Elven Blood, +1 to Perception, +2 Diplomacy and Gather Information, Low Light Vision, Uncanny Dodge; Saves: F12, R17 (18 vs traps), W12; Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 13; Skills: Perception +8, Gather Information +10, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +10, Stealth +10, Sense Motive +8, Acrobatics +10, Use Magic Device +8, Disable Device +9, Sleight of Hand +10; Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse; Alignment: .

House Qish
Father: Lord Quentin (age 290; Early 50s)
Mother: Lady May (died at the age 50; 20 years ago; A human concubine)
Older Sister: Lady Celine (170; Early 30s)
Older Half-Brother: Sir Perxival (Heir) (age 150; Early 20s)
Older Half-Brother: Squire Tenton (age 130; Late teens)

The Godwin Lands.
4,000 acres

*Her blood elf siblings, except Tentons want her dead, if opportunity permits. To erase the stain their father has made on the honor of their mother.   
*She was raised by Lord Godwin “the Bastard” (110 years; Late 50s) as a “hostage”. She sees him as his father, while complicated as a property of her biological father Lord Quentin.     
*Pestered by Sir Alexios of House Ducain.
*Her mother was a courtesan, who died committing suicide. The mystery surrounding her death haunts her.
*She has a human brother she does not know his whereabouts

Brother  Gon, Follower of Pelor
Half-Orc; Male; Age: 28
Med Humanoid (Half-Orc M Cleric of Pelor 4: Healing); 4d8+8 (40 hp); Con: 14;

Init:+0; Spd: 30 ft. (6); AC: 17 (+3 BAB; +4 shield), ff-17; DR: 3 / — (studded leather); BAB/Gr:+3/+5;  

  • Spear +5 melee (1d8+2)
  • Javelin +3 ranged (1d6+2)

S/R: 5 ft./5 ft; SA: Turn Undead; SQ: Orc Blood, Dark Vision 30ft; Saves: F16, R11, W17; Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 16, Cha 6; Skills: Knowledge: Religion +0, Heal+4, Concentration +2, Diplomacy+6; Feats: Endurance, Skill Focus: Diplomacy; Alignment: Protect and Comfort the Weak, Value Life, Bring Light in Darkness.
Spells (0/15 points)
1st level – *Cure 13HP*
2nd level – *Cure 21HP*, Lesser Restoration x2, Calm Emotions, Enthrall* (uses prayer and meditation)   

Templar of Pelor

(as the standard Pelor doctrine)

Holy Order Vows
(Not in Order of Priority)

  1. Celibacy
  2. Chastity
  3. Poverty – Wealth is turned over and handled by the orders bureaucrats. Personal Property, limited to what can be carried.
  4. Observe a Vow of Silence on Sunday
  5. No Flesh (Vegetarian)
  6. Protect the Weak, Avoid Killing (follows Self Defense and War protocol)
  7. Always extend Kindness, Compassion, Fairness and Generosity to strangers and even enemies. Of course caution still observed around threats. (Vow of hospitality)

Medium Animal (WarPony); 2d8+4 (18 hp); Con: 14; Init:+1; Spd: 40 ft. (8); AC: 12 (+2 BAB; +1 Dex, -1 Size), ff-11; DR: 2/- ; BAB/Gr:+1/+3; Attack: Hoof +3 melee (1d3+2); Full Attack: 2 Hooves +3 melee (1d3+2); S/R: 10 ft./5 ft; SA: — ; SQ: Low Light Vision, Scent; Saves: F16, R15, W11; Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4; Skills: Per +5, Athletics +5; Feats: Endurance; Alignment: None;


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