I think it takes an extr ordinary amount of discipline, forethought and luck to maximize how i spend my time. I admit these days, I’ve been having productivity issues. Part of the reason is that I don’t get enough sleep, I’m the one waking up and attending to my 21 mo. old sons needs. Sleep is a big problem, and timing it opens up many issues.
Sleep timing affects my driving, too early and I get really sleepy going home. although I get a lot of things done, I don’t have the ability to nap so that I have the capacity to be alert enough.
I’m not minding my son as a way to break up my sleep. I really want to sleep less and achieve REM more. I got used to it when he was younger and started sleeping 8hours straight. Now picky with food, w can only give him milk, he wales up ever 3 hours… Ok enough of my excuses.
There are factors that I feel are a mix of good genes, intra personal intelligence and a background of discipline that gives one the ability to improve ones life. Given the human condition, very rarely is one blessed with many of these factors. So it’s really a heroic effort to improve myself.
Journalizing helps, it allows you to keep track of how you spend your time and a medium to talk a out the problem (which to some is the beginning of finding a solution).
It relates to my airsoft, but the gaming through airsoft is an important thing for me now. It’s my team sport, and my exercise in dealing with things I am terrible at – improvising, tactics, intuition, leadership, courage,And decisiveness as well as some basic survival skills. It translates to a lot of what I do, which is key to any time optimization. It doesn’t have to be airsoft, but any sport has that added benefit if physical and mental exercises.
Having a baby helped push me to sleep less and do more, having a sport gave me also a lot of added benefits, also getting married and making a relationship work also had some optimizing decisions. Strangely jumping into a new level in life pushed me to be better – of cours luck can only carry us so far.
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