Back to basics – Cheap ass Shotguns for the Gun Ban

The GunBan is fast approaching. Its just a few more weeks. We are currently looking for a site to locker our guns. We’ve found Lockers, we even found cheap 2nd hand guns to store in the lockers worth about 2000php.

Although I’m personally looking forward to try using the 200-300php shotguns. It’s going back to basics, and really having the fire and movement discipline. Their effective range is about 10-15m, 20m is pushing it. Still if its just friends, its all well and good.

I’ve tinkered around with them. I’ve tried using my stock spring (1joule) in the .3joule body. I was able to cock it about 5x before it collapsed and broke. Too bad quality airsoft pump shotguns are not popular here.  i’ve checked around and we don’t get these kinds of shotguns in the Philippines. I think it can be supplied here at 2,000php each. At 320 and with range, the guns should be able to hit 30m. It probably can be moded for a higher FPS, allowing it to attempt at 50m.
Anyway, don’t want to lose this edge over the gun ban. 
Pix are taken from their various sites. they are not mine.

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