Quiapo Recon

Quaipo Again. I had to get some supplies for the team, and really check out if there really is a shop that also supplies Multi-Cam. Can’t find any but found out where I could by hardware and heavy audio equipment.

I get annoyed at Eric, Mr. Alfredos seller who tries to squeeze so much out of me. I can’t buy from Alfredo’s Yamul’s shop because it costs as much as a regular airsoft Shop. I know I can haggle, but Eric doesn’t try to give me a good price. I only go to them because even without haggling, their prices is still better than the other vendors. When eric was not there I got a better price from the others. JG and Cyma guns. The T3 series is a carbine version of my G3 for 5,000. Tempting… the reason they are selling it at 16% cheaper is because not alot of people use G3s and have the mags, so no support. i bet one can haggle for 4k. (psst Captain!)

TUP, a view on the way back. Technology University of the Philippines. So it is sad that it doesnt look so updated or new. 

Got a cheap battery pouch that can hold my bat and affix to the gun quite easily and securely. 

Php170 each bag. it looks like another higher precision brand… so I can’t get it since i have guns that are tight barrel.

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