There is a big problem with my gaming goals, the company I’m investigating has some serious problems. The symptoms I’ve been observing has some more troubling roots. I had several other discussions with other groups and their view goes much deeper than mine.
I assumed it was a process and skillset problem. That they do not have the capability to get very comprehensive Project Management related to our industry. What is wrong is far worse. They have access to the same skillset and technology of their competitor. infact they both use open source tools, and have access to the same training and people…
the strange is that the competitor executed all the open source tech and that is the technology fueling al their client’s needs. Them, company X, cannot execute it. There is a serious disconnect with their IT and direction. Also, i know their IT is under a Outsourced… which is weird because IT should be their key personnel since they are also a technology company.
It gets fishier and fishier… and what happens when the worse is realized. that there is someone on the top, forcing the Biz to go to a direction that stands to benefit him at the expense of the company and its future.
When a company is very big, the heads are also very wealthy and have other lines of biz. Now, very often these are complimentary lines of biz because they have the same expertise and industry as their main company. So there is this conflict of interest when company X uses one of its Directors/VPs biz as a subcontractor. This happened in our biz, and the Director/VP was 50% to 100% more expensive than the other subcontractors in the market.
This is the same kind of corruption in the gov’t. The Director/VP selling computers, equipment, etc… far from the market price. (note that the market price still has to be bidded). The story of company X IT needing 10 servers and only getting 1 tends to ring the typical corruption.
Anyway, if there is such corruption then the perceptions within the company have been distorted. They may think Up is down, and west is east. If so, actions taken may not be made with the best information, and the people executing this will have their heads scratching and failing. Alienation in a large statistic happens to a company when this corruption happens.
So is my goal going to work out, to come to the aid of this company and help it with our expertise… probably no.
Fortunately things are moving up in our company, and several cutting edge tech initatives will be given funding. By cutting edge I mean something that is very rare in the current world market in terms of tech. Something that our competitors don’t do yet. So i’m excited, and it feels great having the naive and idealistic nerd in me looking for technology that may work, because the grown up in me can project all the hurdles and needs to prove it will work.
Science gives the little kid in me a set of rules as to how cool stuff can be used to make money and do good. so, despite my adult goals not being realistic, science gives me some comfort.
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