Effective Communication Lecture Reflections

Ok, a lot of what is being espoused I’ve come to the same conclusions out of experience. it is nice that those suspicions are confirmed.

Why did I go to effective communications: well I need to make sure all my assumptions are correct thus looking at the most basic elements again in new light helps me refine my conclusions.

The lecture has been suprisingly be interesting, one of the funniest parts I enjoyed so far was the point where I always write or describe something with many words. You would note sometimes I talk with several descriptors of concepts. I use both a layman, jargon, and some other similar abstract concept to describe something. The habit came because fewer words can be interpreted with greater flexibility, more words can be designed to limit the meaning by what is in common with them in both abstract and dictionary meaning.

The lesson, highlighted a personal revelation about human cognition – our aspect of self centered or self perception. Our notions and ideas, tend to take our own experiences as the key reference point. Thus when illicit-ed in detail, references can be self serving or self referential (like Duh). The further consquences of such actually creates some interesting disonances/conflicts internally because of bounded rationality/limits of human processing.

So as you can see, hopefully. Even if below is true…

  Communication usually fails, except by accident – by Osmo Wiio

I was merely checking my assumptions and came away with some confirmation bias… of course I’m doing the old practice of doubting my confirmations, but still it was refreshing to check all my assumptions. I hope I communicated the value of checking up on the fundamentals.

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