Preparing for the month I invite co-workers and friends to airsoft. So I have to prepare WAY more guns than I usually do. Normally I prepare 2 guns, one spare when the worse happens.
Started at around 8:30pm and around 11:00pm.
I have a lot of work ahead of me.
- I have to prepare the safety gear. not just for myself but the people I’ll be bringing with me.
- I have to buy a First Aid kit, and prepare them to the Specs I’ve written down, which I have to dig up.
- I have to fill up the Newbie Guide I’ve made. I have to find time this week to fill it up with all the essentials. hopefully some friends can give me input… in case I misinform or I’m wrong or I miss something. Its also a safety kit and I plan to print it out for those who accompany me.
- The Sample Load Outs
- Safety Tips – while playing
- Sample basic Games
- Sample Basic Exercise (drawn from Combat Leaders Field guide)
- I have to mark and tag everything: batteries, guns, and update my spare parts notes. (I share spareparts with my team since they are very generous sharing theirs with me).
- I have to go Lito for Supplies
- Extra Masks, 2 of my Goggles went bad. They need replaced.
- Enough AK Mags. I have 7 aks and only 6 mags. Lito sold AK mags at php250 a pc, last I bought there.
- I need a Multi-Cam boonie hat or cap.
- I need multi-mag pouches, the kind that can take AKs and G3 mags.
- I might need another Gun Bag for the HK416 and M4 S-System.
- I need to construct a BB loader funnel for the Mags to reduce wastage.
- I need to document my BDUs, just tracking and notes. Why I got it and for what. I am getting old and need to leave explanations for myself.
- Should not forget bringing with me Arj’s Stuff (gun, hat and pants).
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