Ok I’m heavily under the influence of a lecutre. I got to thinking about GMing and a Personal Brand. There is really no point in selling GMing and to Pander to player is simply out of the question when you consider how much work the GM really does as compared to players and who over all gains a benefit.
What a Personal Brand means in the lecture I’m taking is more of having a strong hand in developing one’s style and forging ahead without External Benchmarks.
External Benchmarks – I find this such a scary idea. That means going off someplace where people might think your crazy. Might think… It is more accurate to say its most probable that people think the person is crazy until proven otherwise. The lecture is goading me to push ahead and take a risk… when I think about it I’ve pretty much alienated a large number of gamers by my approach to GMing and Gaming as a Learning Tool. Especially in the Philippines, the chance I can find a player who will run my gauntlet… well all factors being considered I easily get sick (on my 6th sickness this year) which cripples my productivity and delays my plans.
Still I guess its not all that bad if I consider that I’m all doing this to exercise what I am learning from the lecture: Practice, elaboration, and application so that a communicated Idea can transform into a skill.
Going back to cultivating a personal brand… do I as a GM conduct in a way similar to other GMs. Is there something in GMing that can be compared to Cost Leadership, Differentation, and Target Market.
I guess my Open RPG System is an extention of my self as a Gamer. Do I provide cost leadership?… what is cost leadership in RPG Systems? Is it the reasources it cost to play or the Cost of being able to quickly immerse into the Game. Since DnD is the most dominant, I think Cost Leadership is how easily one can enter into RPGs, not by resource, but by mindset. By that abstraction, Traveller, WOD, Exalted, and all other RPGs differ in Differentiation and Focus.
Using the Chapter 9: Finding my Blue Ocean.
- What is Taken for granted by the industry?
- What should be reduced well below the Industry Standard?
- What should be raised well above industry standard?
- What was never offered by the industry?
What the industry never offered. – Interactivity and more Prep Aids
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