Wishing to migrate to AK Spetz

I personally want to move all my guns to ak beta spetz, ALL OF THEM. Particularly the Jing Gong Variety. Basically have all 9 guns AK Spetz. Weird huh?

My guns are for bringing friends into the hobby. Seriously, I’m that weird that way and my wife hates that rationalization. That’s just me, and this hobby is relatively cheaper than golf but not as much people play. I’d rather play with friends than stranger and with friends its way more fun and honest. I feel better getting shot by a friend or collegue since there is trust and I’m not that competative.

I want my closet Armoury with all these guns and easy to wear safety gear. I’m ok with 9 guns, all being a spetz that has been moded for better life.  Although I’d like to change the coloring to Multi-cam colors. I’ve noticed in the pictures Black actually is more visible. Tan and Khaki is best.

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