Teaching Analysis to Assistants; Making a simple research Team

I call myself an Analyst, although my real title is director. I got the Analyst Gig because I’m the one who does the research and self-studied economics, logical and scientific philosophy and Judgment-and-Decision making sciences. My wife is an Analyst in the Finance Industry, so I’m kind an unofficial Analyst… but lately I’ve been getting my game on and my wife noticed my efforts has become increasingly sophisticated.

Enough about me, so you understand where I’m coming from: Analysis is Due-Diligence. There are many problems that could have been avoided by good research skills and investigation (something I focus in my GMing and RPGs). Critical thinking and analysis not Magic, its Science and it can be replicated. So that is what I’m doing – a playbook for inhouse analysis.

Like any Internal Company Project, first work with nothing cash and just available resources. These resources come in the form of under-utlized resources which is common in any human organization. In this case: OJTs and the free time of your underlings or peers.

I personally a simplified version APA research paper format: Abstract, Thesis, and Explained Proof with supporting evidence or observations or experiments.  Thats how simple of a research paper. Funny is that I’m using my methodology of research which has been optimized, assumptions/variables identified

Some initial problems: The demand for potential Geeks.
You cannot just make anyone an assistant analyst, you need people with a personal and intrinsic value to the acquisition of knowledge. You need a geek or a potential geek. You need also to communicate value and guide potential geeks (which is more likely to find than a geek). Philippine education has moving towards being sadly anti-science of late. There is a lot of suffering in the country, poverty and there are those who seek to get the credit for any good one has brought into their own lives by their own hard work and technology. Technology has no Press and Preachers to evangelize its merits, just the cognitive dissonance of attributing its benefits to something else.  

Economics is King.
Science of Economics is different to what a lot of people are given to politicized Economics. You really need a scientist approach to looking economics and have not political ideological taint. Its a science, everything has everything else mixed in, it is a world of data that is almost always incomplete but some key fundamental principles always prove true its just figuring out the exceptions and variables that is always illusive.

Good Reading Speed is not a Prerequesite.
I don’t need an avid reader, because that person reads a lot also out of work. I need someone who will do 90% of their reading at work, I don’t care if they are not writers or natural fast readers. I’m not one for example, but i do read a lot related to work and that’s all the reserve I have for reading… everything else has to come into some other form. Slow readers have a chance to be analysts, they just have to prioritize reading only stuff they need to.

Disclaimer: projects take time, and if it fails I move on and have not time to dwell reporting it in detail, just summarize the post-mortem. if it succeeds hmmm… should I keep it a secret…?

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