IMTU: Simplifying Calculation of Sections

Calculating Sections is hard and messy. I noticed I have to keep adjusting, also I have some contrary opinions regarding how man power should be distributed in a Highly Automated age like TL10.

Take the I68 hours a week, and divide it by the amount of people in a given section. That is how many people you have in any given shift. If you have at least 5 people, you have someone awake, alert, and doing the rounds every shift working about 8 hours per shift. Less than 5 everyone has to extend their hours. The sections ratios below are the bare minimum, there is no sick or vacations days calculated into this method; worse in the High Tech age, there is no time for constant training and skill upgrades. There is even no redundancy factored into it. When looking at the sections ratios, find out the percentage by which the ship fills a given section. 

Section Strength
< 50 -7 to -10
51-60% -5
61-70% -3
71-80% -2
81-90% -1 on general tasks.
91-110% Normal.
111-125% +1 to ship saves: like damage control, ready and alert conditions. By this level, there is time to train and even have special meetings and assessment of crews condition.
126-150% +2 to ship saves. Note that at this level, you have battle damage redundancy.

Calculating Sections. You can be off by 1 person more or less. 1 more is great for the redundancy and shifts, 1 less is great for the overhead. 

Sections are the Following: 

Edit Feb 13 2012.
Command – They Operate the Ship. This is the captain, comm, sensor, piloting, tactical (gunnery is automated and incorporated into tactical). Regardless of TL 1 captain, and officers ranks are 1 : 5 (1 officer to 5 petty officers, ). Military Vessels as a rule work with greater than 150-200% strength in command.

  • In TL10, 3 at 100 to 1,000dtons, and +1 every 5,000dtons. For spreadsheet command = 3 + (ship dtons)/5000. 
  • In TL9, 3 at 100dtons and +1 at every 400dtons. For spreadsheet command = 3 + (ship dtons)/400.
  • Rank and Crewmen Calculation: always One Captain; Officers = (Command-1)/5; The remaining are petty officers.  

Engineering – They deal with continuous maintenance of everything in the ship, they also do trouble shooting, repairs, upgrades, migration etc… They deal with the power plants, the M-drive, the J-drive, the life support, the cargo, the hull, the armaments, and even the Small Craft within the ship. Regardless of TL one Chief Engineer, a additional officer level engineers is every at 50 engineering. 1 Petty Officer Engineering for every 10 Engineering crewmen. Military Vessels as a rule work with greater than 150-200% strength in command.

  • On TL10 3 at 100-400dtons and +1 every 500dtons. 1 medium robot (use android UT41) and 3 small robot every 500dtons. for Spreadsheet = 3 + [(shipdtons)/500]; 1 medium robot = 500dtons; small robots = medium robot x 3.
  • On TL9 5 personnel every 200dtons of ship. Along with the crew 2 medium and 5 small robots every 200dtons of ship. for Spreadsheet = 5 x [(shipdtons)/200]; medium robot = (ship dtons)100; small robots = medium robot x 2.5  
  • Rank and Crewmen Calculation: always One Chief Engineer; Petty Officers = (Engineering-1)/10; The remaining are crewmen.  

Support – They support Command, Engineering and Passengers. Typically they are medical professionals, like Nurses/Medics. They also perform general servicing tasks. A petty officer is a registered and certified nurse/medic, an officer is a doctor and a unranked person is a general services and maintenance person. Doctors are needed every 100 core personnel and passengers.

  • 1 : 20 Command, Engineering, and Passengers. 
  • Half as many Robots (use android UT41) as support personnel.
  • Spread sheet calculations: Support = (Engineering + Command + Passengers)/20; Support Robots = 1+(Support/2); 

Everyone not part of Command, Engineering, and Support are not core personnel. Even the owners of the ship, and any back-office personnel who work on keeping the ship solvent are still not part of the Core Crew.
Security Personnel. A ship may need a security officer. you may want to have 24/7 security on ship, especially if you have to deal with a 3rd party within the ship like passengers. If you want 24/7 security, get at least 5 security personnel.
Back-Office Staff. This is the owners, or the representative of the owners or financiers. Depending on the job, he may have a staff. Note that a staff will be very helpful on the ground when generating leads (ISW180, Finding Goods for Sale).
Paying Passengers. self explanatory.

Robots. UT41

Robots are just another tool, High tech societies take forgranted. Without them crew works at -2 penalty on all tasks. As tools, certain kinds of works are impossible without robots: like the tracking the condition of all the bolts and square inch/cm of the ship.

Extra Robots don’t add to the competence level, they just get mothballed if its daily maintenance, but if the crew is upgrading and doing repairs the extra robots do help (use the section strength to get the bonus). All high tech crew are skilled in using robots as their extra hands, they have the basics of operating and programming robots to do their job related functions. Given the complexity of the ship, humans and their augmented abilities are there for high value and function problem solving.

Why less Crew in this Version. This drops the overhead and sets the stage where I start giving 2dtons per life-support. 1 dton with standard building ceiling of 8ft or 2.43m, you end up of 5.8sqm or around 58sqfeet (about the size of a grunt level     enclosed cubicle). Even if I account that every powerplant and drive on the ship only really takes up 2/3rds of the space it is worth. At 4sqm out of 1dton, with the remaining space are for passageways, its barely meeting fire safety standards. 

I can’t find my source, but I found one saying there should be about 25cubic meters per person on a ship that is about 2dtons. so i want to lay the ground work for making a One person and bunk space eating up 2dtons, a cabin 4dtons, a state room is 8dtons, and a luxury room is 16-32dtons (92sqm or around 920 sqft to 186sqm to 1860sqft).

A TL9 4,000dton warship with 40 fighters 210 people would consume about 472.5dtons of living space with mostly ~90% bunks. A TL10 50,000 warship with about 150 2-man fighters would have 434 people would have 2602dtons of living space with ~90 from cabins. I’ll come up with a more helpful spreadsheet formula to calculate this. 


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