Technology and Economics; World building

GDP per Capita is a great way to measure Technology over time. The economic metric of GDP/C allows one to measure a state’s relative productivity per individual. My assumption of Technology and Innovation is that it increases productivity, and as we get more technologically advanced every single individual can accomplish much more than they could previously.
I updated this in the table I made for income and changed it to GDP/C. I didn’t name the Eras yet, as you can imagine naming any point in something that has multiple threads continually changing is very difficult. Everything is intertwined, yet distinct, and there is significant change in each field that no single field can claim sole sponsorship of human innovation. Some things are even mostly beyond human control, like the maturation and eventual development of all other countries, and the conflicts that occur. 
I don’t want to put dates to points of Growth, it is supposed to be a Generic Toolset. I would rather put kinds of Innovations that are in its highest rate of dissemination. I will call all these Innovations because it is weird to call more productive social changes into “technology”. The codification and secularization of Basic Rights can’t be exactly fit into “Technology”, and is better put into Innovation. The same can be used for Economic, Legal, Social and Organizational Systems. Even processes and procedures fit under Innovation better than “technology”.  
The problem with these whole bunch of innovations is that its messy. 
Fields of Innovations
Economics – trade, barter, currency, specialization, economic theory (in various stages), trade routes, Regularization and De-regularization, 
Organization – bureaucracy, standardization, meritocracy, economies of scale, logistics, and various degrees of sophistication.
Industry – this refers more of the hard technical innovations like: metal working (copper, bronze, iron and steel), steam engines, archs, earthenware, stoneware, glassware, etc.
Social and Political– basic rights, legal codes, egalitarianism, caste systems, patronage, citizenship, representation, Peer system, Councils, Here, Primogenitur,  
Infrastructure – Roads, Bridges, various means of Power Generations (mills to electrical power plants and beyond).
GDP per Capital and Income per Capita (to be continued). 
GDP represents productivity per person on average but infrastructure is a large factor of this. People are way more productive because of the quality of Transportation, Communication, Healthcare, Education, Financial, Legal, and Security infrastructure they have at their disposal. Infrastructure is a convenience that is best realized when we do without it, but is a costs may would rather do without.
I’ll have to make a GDP/C to Income/C formula. I would use Philippines as compared to other asian countries and extrapolate from there. I’d have to give KPI to various states: measuring effectivity of Education, Health Care, Transport, Communication, Legal, and Financial Infra and finding a way to allow other World builders to make their own States for their various eras and worlds. Ideally the system can go way back. 

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