Disclaimer: this is my current understanding of computers, and may change as I learn more or as our use of computers continue evolve.
I use this gamification to simplify my understanding of the computer skill sets for myself. This is also a setting of expectations for my Spreadsheets and Spaceships game.
- TL7 – Computer use is specialized, and a sit-down task. the revolution is that regular people can use computers.
- TL8 – Computer use is a task not just for work, it has become common place and part of everyone’s every day life.
- TL9 – Computer is mobile and ubiquitous. Computers have gotten smaller and more powerful; it has found its way into a lot of our everyday tools, and are constantly at our side. This was true of the previous era, but now much of everything people are exposed to either have a processor, tracked by a computer, or designed by a computer.
- TL10 – Computer use is innate, people do it like any other natural action. Because of Cybernetics, computers assist people in almost everything they do. A TL10 professional when comparing experience outside the enhancements provided by computers reality seems blurred, aesthetically displeasing, dull, filled with uncertainty, and incredibly challenging (especially since the standards such people are used have risen).
Electronics Operation (Computers) (Average) IQ/TL8.
- System Admin is a special Technique. Defaults Computer Operations -3, and is an average technique.
- Cloud Systems Admin is a technique that defaults to System Admin at -2, and is an average difficulty technique. Cloud Systems are a more sophisticated and powerful computer system; basically its for handling computers larger than medium: managing the resources of computer clusters.
- Network Associate. Ave technique, defaults Computer Operations -3. (example CISCO Certified Network Associate, Huawei Certified Datacom Associate, Juniper Certified Network Associate etc. etc.)
- Network Associate Specialization: Security, Design, WLan, WAN, Voice, etc. Ave technique.
- Network Professional. Ave technique, defaults Network Associate -2. Network Professional gives you familiarity with Electronic Communications skill between and Electronic Operation: communications systems allow you to do some Network Professional Tasks at a -5 default.
Optional Specialty (B170)
Electronics Operation (Computers, Desktop) (Easy) IQ.
Engineer (Electronics-Network) (Average*) IQ.
This is an engineering specialty, that requires a decent Network Professional skill level. Morbidly low network professional effective skill level should penalize Network Engineering skill. This has a lot of overlap with the Engineer (Electronics-Communications) (Average) IQ.
* Optional Specialty Rules in B170.
Computer Operations TL9
In TL9, learning an Operating System is not a big deal as it was in TL7 or TL8. In TL8 Most operating systems converge are actually easy to figure out, in fact most people learn new Operating Systems every few years as they switch mobile computing devices. As computers get more ubiquitous, Open Standards are enforced to create more market competition.
Around this time, wearable computers have become more effective. Professionals, begin to invest in such computers as their ability to input in the device gets even much better despite increasing mobility. back in TL8, typing speed is what determined how fast people were to use computers. In TL9 wearable computers can now process gestures, sub-vocalization, bodily motions, eye movement, and some surface scan to draw more information and make better communication with the user.
People can now work anywhere, and any time. They can carry all their work related data with them where they can wear a reasonable amount of light gear. People multi-task more, and intelligent tools and vehicles begin to do mundane things for people as their quality of attention goes down for these low value tasks.
Mobility makes people more productive not just because of the work they can squeeze in. Tools become more portable, the tons of aids, props, visualizations and enhancements allow people to gain multiple perspectives quite easily and quickly. Certain non-portable computing allow people literally swim and immerse themselves in data and virtualizations. As most People still have a predominantly sophisticated Visual Processor, and slowly they gain ground with those who have better math and analytically skills as Visualization technology brings down the Multiple-Intelligence barrier.
Powerful computer corporations of TL9, are investing in the future: Cybernetic Interface. As the frontier of the physical computer becomes thoroughly scoured.
Computer Operations TL10Cybernetics and Neural interfaces make TL9 wearable computers as interface obsolete. Cybernetics rapidly gets used, by those who can afford it. In early TL10, wearable computers still out-perform cybernetic enhancements. As the TL matures, hybrid systems become predominant. There comes into play multiple standards for Neural interfaces. Midway through TL10, we have Cybernetics becoming slowly more effective despite the power and space limitations inside the human body. Wearable computers are still the most cost effective, cyberware becomes the best “terminal” or interface device.
For a long time, some people will want to try to push the Cybernetics line, to be better overall then wearable but laws of diminishing returns gives the edge to the hybrid system. Those who push really hard make evasive upgrades and enhancements.
Around this late mature era of TL10, other technologies begin to compete for what TL11 is going to appear like. Bio-tech has come around with a way to power and integrate processing powers through biological enhancements. Then there are alternatives to micro-electronics, that function very different from current electronic theories; these create electronic-like devices that function with a newer branches of Physics. These are computers that don’t need electricity and use another power-source, these are devices that overcome many of the weaknesses of electronics.
Bridge Systems, are a kind of terminal that allows to gestalt the computing and decision making power of an Officer Crew. This is not only meant for ships, there are such “bridge” systems that can be found in seats of government and corporations that are used to make powerful calculations to control forces that are impossible to predict in our TL8 world view. These are tools to navigate worlds of super-science physics, to make psycho-historical predictions, create and manipulate biological permutations or to control alien and powerful energies.
Electronics Repair (Computers) (Average) IQ.
Engineering (Electronics-Computers) (Average) IQ.
Computer Programming (Hard) IQ.
Using the Optional Specialization Rule Computer Programming skill is a particularly hard language: C, C+, C++, SQL, Python, Perl, Java, etc. You can default from other Programming languages at a penalty of -1 to -4 depending on how closely these are related. Typically the strategy behind choosing and learning a language is similar to the rules of Improving Skills from Default B173. There is a core programming skill and the player buys other programming skill off setting the default penalty. In in this manner, the core skill keeps going up, but the skills bought up from default stay he same, as core skill gets so much better that it is better to default from the core skills, these past spent points are chalked up to familiarity.
Engineer (Electronics-Software) (Average*) IQ. This requires Computer Programming (Hard) IQ.
* Optional Specialty Rules in B170.
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