Cost of Electricity. Electricity Should be pretty straight forward: there is a cost of Php12 per Kilowatt Hour of usage, equipment have a Kilowatt usage rate (in their power supply), we just take inventory, and we simply use a spreadsheet to keep track of it all.
I’m getting the cost of Submeters. if possible Every Datacenter, Hub, and wing should have a Submeter.
If I have the data on the spreadsheet, I can compare with the submeter. Since it won’t be accurate, all I really have to do is investigate by the greatest discrepancy till I find out how much the discrepancy is by.
More Tasks. I guess I’ll have to delegate more.
The Cost of Software production. Having our own software development company gave us a lot of insight.
- Because of the difficulty of getting projects pricing is STEEP. There are two things that affect price: the appearance of working and the amount of business ongoing. Talk to a friend who is in software development and get the metrics, you’d be surprise by the margins. I should also note is how organized, experienced, and diplomatic the Project Manager.
- Its cheaper to run a software company if you have a captured market, Like DUH! All the big BPOs are captured market software development for the biggest software and technology companies around the world. Suffice to say, a company who has an In-house software development arm because of their perpetual customization needs would be cheaper than people who purely do software development BUT they are not as easily available. Time is something that can be more expensive than the price difference might appear.
- Waterfall is good for the Salesman, it protects him with expectations made way way back when the project first began and there was little information. AGILE is more close to reality and gets the job done; easily abused by clients and less pretty. I go for AGILE all the time, I make it pretty after I make money and If I have the luxury.
Economics and Reality. The Ideal Economic Setting is one that allows people the freedom not to share your Ideal Economic Setting. You can take the idea much further, applying it to your ability to appreciate people and their views. Taken further again, any view that seeks to Unify or Centralize everything for “It’s Good” is a BAD method.
Interestingly It makes me think of socialism as something awesome if all the people participating in the socialism volunteered for it. In any time there is someone who doesn’t want to participate, ideally they are taken out of the arrangement (not force them, because they end up being free-loaders).
Capitalism is BAD if it disallows people to create their own socialist organizations. Its stops being free when your not free to make deal between mutually
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