Science and Work

When making art, it is difficult to be objective: neither too harsh, or too overconfident with the work. Science and the disciplines we learn in the pursuit of truth help make a more efficient, and less cluttered process. 

Strangely what I learned in the BPO industry is that everything can be measured and optimized. Even something like negotiation and marketing, can be objectively measured and developed. I realize it can also be done for art and writing. 

Its not reducing the value of art if it can be measured and optimized, in fact it should be freeing. It lets you understand what potential you can aspire for, and what is workable. It removes a bit of the romanticism, but that means I can remove ambiguity and make a more definite strategy to achieve real and lasting results.

I learned to look at art and writing: 

  • looking at every technique and skill and inventorying them all
  • measuring the time of mastery of each and every skill
  • the understanding how concepts and disciplines can affect how these skills are employed and thus develop these for our own purposes. 
  • identify the limitations of each artist and the use of special cognitive processes to gain a broader and balanced view of work. 
  • the ability to perceive, measure and concretely identify elements that were once subtleties and ambiguities. Then use these elements to make meaningful progress.
  • the ability to create a playbook, or dominant strategy, codify it and create a method of evolving it based on an expanding set of measurable and identifiable elements and what will sustain our endeveor. 
the awesome thing I guess about Productivity and Manufacturing is that amount of work and things you try to cram into your workday. You do things alot, so you are able to gather data and statistics. then one uses basic, scientific techniques, to experiment and attempt to improve things. 

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