Hi all, In light of the Polls my post is going to be about being able to cram as much medieval history in your brain.
I’ve finished about 80+ hours of not-for-credit history courses thanks to the teaching company. I don’t listen to music in my 2 hour commutes in the congested traffic of metro manila but these, I also listen to it when I do about 1 hour of chores. so at about 3 hours a day for about 2-3 years.
Also note that I try to apply what I learned in terms of gaming and framing it in a game. So gaming, the world building type and game prep, are like my practical exercises. Any GM would understand this is like a tip of an ice-burg amount of work.
Ok, one more thing about these lectures, they practice what they preach, they have a Game Theory and Critical thinking lecture and they applied the incentive’s techniques to get you to buy. I’ve been subscribed for about 2-3 years so there always rolls around a massive discounted lecture of up to 70%. I get the pure MP3 download. Thanks to Tablets and Goodreader app its even more portable than ever before. So I get them at about $34 (thats 12 hour or 24 course lectures).
I still can’t post much and I’m kinda still on hiatus until we are finish with work. its end of the year, strategic planning and budgeting so hope you understand.
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