This is what I kinda been doing for a while.
Step 1: Go to Packt Publishing (they specialize in IT, feel free to go to Amazon and Dummies) and look at all the books they have to offer. I also went to the Ubuntu website and looked at their professional training courses.
Step 2: With each Book, search Wikipedia what these applications, languages, tools etc. are about.
Step 3: Try to define and organize these skill-sets based on all these books and that of your own business needs in detail.
The next steps and going to be something I’m going to have to make on my own visualized skill tree, like the math skill tree in Khanacademy but for IT.
Investment in the right Fundamental books as well as research and acquiring the sylabus of various professional training courses and certifications can help break down these skills to the tasks they allow the person to perform. Further research uncovers more information about the skill, but it is really the job description and the practical needs of work that determine much of what is really essential and fundamental.
Creating a skill tree may be made via Libre Office Draw, I plan to make one with A0 paper and detail the background to a degree. I want to make it something that can become a navigatable web based tree as well as a text based tree which can interact with the Company Enterprise Wiki.
clocked at ~20 hours just reading and using multiple points of reference what is what and trying to understand the concepts.
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