Early Motte and Bailey 10C

Early Motte and Bailey 10C
This uses GURPS 4E low tech companions 1 and 2. This is based on the Motte and Baily from Wikipedia.

  • Motte: 63ft high and 10,000 sqft Packed earthen Mound
    • $1,500,000 ($1,496,629) / 6,800 tons (6,859 tons)
  • Perimeter Wall for 40,000sqft is 710ft. (112.8ft radius) $702,300.
    • $17,800 ($17,791)/ 150tons; DR8. 706’ long (112.4’ radius), 20’ high and 8” thick outer wooden palisade ($1.26/21.36lbs)
    • $671,000 ($670,752); 1,500 tons (2,959,200lbs); DR72. 685’ long (109.4’ radius), 16’ high and 6’ wide packed earth ($61.2/270lbs) sandwiched between wooden palisades.
    • $13,500 ($13,426.56); 114tons (227,612.16lbs); DR8. 666ft long (665.6’ long; 106’ radius), 16’ high wooden pallisade 8” thick ($1.26/21.36lbs)
  • 40’ tall stone keep, 20’ lower levels, occupying 3600 sqft
    • 6 stories (4 above ground, 2 below ground inside the motte) $277,000
      • 60’ total wall height, 1’ thick walls, 60’ each wall, 4 walls. (17,288) x Imported Ashlar (200 miles away, or x2.3 cost importation cost modifier; Cheap Quality and Labor -0.4CF; $11.72 to $16.2) = $2,800,000.
        • The first floor has a ceiling of 12’. 6 wooden Floors/Ceilings above it the above have 8ft ceiling to floor height. total 40.8ft. 3600sqft x 16” of wood ($4.94/42.72lbs) = $18,000/ 77tons per floor ($17,784/153,782lbs). 6 floors = $107,000/460tons($106,704/922,692lbs)
        • 1 Stone 4” tile floor (4” ashlar $46.88/62lbs) x 3600sqft = $170,000/112tons ($168,768/223,200lbs).
  • 2x 40’ tall 15’x15’ Guard Towers ($14,400 each) = $28,800
    • Each tower is 40’ high but has 4 corners extending 10’ into the ground x 60’ wall (15’ x 4) x 16” of wood ($4.94/42.72lbs) = $12,000/ 51tons ($11,856/102,528lbs).
      • 4x Support pillars 10’ x 1sqft x 16”of wood ($4.94/42.72lbs) = $200/1800lbs ($197.6/1708.8lbs)
      • 4x 15×15 floors of 8” of wood ($2.47/21.38lbs) = $2,200/10 tons ($2,223/19,224).
  • Furnishings and Detailing#. $2.5M ($2,505,800). (includes iron gratings, gates, light wooden partitions, heating, sewage, storage, tools for administration and governance, small library, religious materials, etc.)
  • Total $5M. (for comparison, a Multimillionaire Lord has $8.4M Annual income).
  • Keep Area: 3600sqft x 7 floors = 25,200sqft keep;
  • Towers Area: 225sqft x 5 floors x 2 towers = 2,250sqft
  • Remaining Area (sans keep, towers, walls) 31,231sqft (from 40,000sqft)

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