Team Reputations

Teams Encountered and have a really bad reputation of cheating. I should put a 2 Polls up for known teams known for their Good and Bad Rep. Ideally first hand and with comments (and exceptions or notes how to deal with them).

Strangely the most competitive teams have the most bad reputations, its not because of envy because the teams that comment are Non-competitive teams (so they didn’t lose in any head to head competition).
Teams who play for Simulation and for Fun, and not to show up someone else, are those who are more inclined for fair play. There are several Cognitive Biases making Competitive Mindset more likely to Cheat, especially since Bragging Rights are more imporant than meeting people and making good friends… Is like the Social Aspect of Golf.
You just need to be good enough to keep up, but good people just want other good people to play with, losing is no real loss to them, compared to competitive players.

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