Airsoft is more Expensive in 2010, will it Get Cheaper?

What Happened to the $50-80 Guns? I’ve been checking the prices and those in the Philippines, as well as forums around the web. It seems that no one is commenting regarding the increase in Airsoft Prices.

The CM028 series from A to U (check out Google Image Search There really are CM028A, B, C, D, M, U, S, T) they were $60-$90 now they’re $90-$150.

Army Armament’s $75 AK is the closest to what was the airsoft prices just last year. What happened? Is it Market Normalization? When new producers flooded the market and drove down the price at their expense, and we are just feeling the market adjust itself?
I’m not sure but those low prices were a risk for those new producers back then? I think in the coming year prices we will be seeing are will be the norm, until someone makes a cheaper gun production.
I can see where Army Armament’s AK got cheaper. The battery and the mag is different. Any producer might consider. (If I could produce airsoft here in the Philippines I’d implement this)
  • A short inner Aluminum Barrels (like the Cheap Plastic Gearbox Types)
  • Less Iron Alloys more Zinc-Aluminum Alloys or Polycarbonate (cheaper)
  • Use Plastic Low to Midcaps Magazines
  • Slower Smaller Charger or no Charger at all.
  • No more slings
  • Packaging The most basic Art and Picture (This will save a lot)
  • Find Alternative packing material
My current forecast is that airsoft prices as they are will not go down unless manufacturers make some changes, particularly legal changes that allow the mainland to compete with the more expensive overhead of HK. Right now, almost all mainland business have been thoroughly squashed, the cost of moving product from the mainland to the greater market exceeds their cost advantage they had.
So just get used to the prices or just buy 2nd hand guns during the supply glut of 2008 and 2009. Too bad these guns do have a work life, so by next year all the mainland ACMs supplies will be dried up and HK will determine ACM prices.

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