Fixed my G3 and preppring extra batteries for a friend. I haven’t gotten back to the AK bullpup project ever since I got distracted by buying 2nd hand guns.
Only buy second hand guns from friends, who are selling it at 50% their purchase price. At least you can rest one’s guard knowing any problems, a good friend didn’t intentionally screw you its really inherent in the gun.
I’ve pruned my Registration List. AK x2 (one slot for a future AK), M4 x2, MP5, MP44, and Glock 17. The AK is still one of the better guns because of the V3 gear box.
I bought as Systema Complete Gearbox for 1400 (to settle the M4’s problems finally). I noticed the gearbox is thin. It doesn’t have the thick parts like the JG works gearbox I have. Anyway, I’m planning to keep the gun at 1Joule (FPS 330 with 0.2 BB).
All Plastic Airsoft. When I bought my second M4 s-system, the guy had showed me the all plastic airsoft M4s being sold for Php1,600 firing at about 280-300fps (less than 1joule). They are feasible if your using 0.12BBs allowing you fps380 and the hop up to kick in but the accuracy is shit. Also no one sells Bags of .12s.
Lynx Guns. A Gun shop opened recently in Virramall called Lynx something. They sell airsoft at average market price (close to Vincents, which is BTW a bit more expensive then the FAS advertised stores). They had a Classic Army Glock17. They say they’ll get their shipment of guns December.
Vincents is the best place for me to buy BBs, as they sell at 260 and some parts. Still I’d rather go to Lito at Quiapo for airsoft parts he is able to supply. Lito is the BEST prices, like the ELement 510mm tight barrel for 950!!! and of course his Lipoly for 950 (30% less than Global across him).
I plan to buy my shorts there and some Khaki’s and OD pants for 300 and 600 respectively. Its still cheaper than going to SM department store and those pants are durable, they’re made for playing.
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