Finally Checked out the Shop in Global, Quiapo

There are very good deals there. Not the guns, but the spare parts like they were from forgotten or lost cache. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you see the pictures.
Starting from the left to the right:

Shmis: Php150. That symbol you see is Element Brand. There is a website in package.
0.2mm, 0.3mm, and 0.5mm all x6 .

J.G. Works M-87: “Helical” Gear Set. I’m still a newb to tell the difference, and there are not many sites that care to explain them. Metal is what is important with gears. This is the first gear set I’ve felt in my hand and weighed. Down the line as I get to see and try out more, I’ll know what I’m getting into. They pass the magnet test, thank fully. They are steel. Php700.
I can’t find further information online about J.G. Works.
Type-0 Cylinder: Prometheus. It looks authentic, the text at the back is all in japanese, but thats not really a very good indicator. Its not magnetic and way lighter than my brass cylinders. I got it for Php350.
DBoys M-series Hand-grip. It cost me Php450. I need it when I move the hand grip forward when I convert the AK to bullpup. Its a bit expensive, I should have just gotten it from Lito. Hind-sight is 20:20.
6mm Bushings. They have 7mm with bearings. Don’t get the ones with bearings, I recommend just the full metal. It takes a more skilled or experience smithy to know what he’s doing when choosing. Most of the Guns I will stumble into, will have 6mm Bushings. Both my Guns are 6mm so if anything happens I have a back up. They’re steel.
Note: Failed to Haggle, I over did it (such a newb mistake) I went for a 25% cut, compared to my Kaptain who always whittles it down by 10%, then 15% in the future. Don’t make my mistake.
The guy got pissed at me and stiffed me of my change. I ended up paying the non-haggled price. Next time, bring a friend who can help juggle the math. Also a magnet to check for steel parts.
Notable discoveries:
Springs cost from 850 to 600 pesos, cost 300 in Quiapo! This refers to ALL resistance ratings.
They are pretty complete with bushings, shims, airnozzles (150), hop ups (150)
They have TU li-poly batteries, but you won’t see it in display unless you look at the back.
What I can remember they have:
  • They have an AK tactical 5,000. Don’t expect to haggle this easily to 4500, I recommend buying other stuff and haggling for more stuff and ask for 15% less.
  • A Cyma CM-048
  • An M14, the kind with a short barrel
  • Dragonov Bolt Action Php4400. No thanks, I would only pay 3000 for a Bolt action sniper rifle. Its a novelty and really doesn’t help in the games. If I could find a T3 gearbox, the semi-automatic
  • they have a Systema 6mm gearbox, with gears for 1700 (from 1800)
  • A Classic Army Glock19 for 2000! I recommend grab it before someone thinks the wiser.
  • AK Sound activated drum Mag for 2000 (probably sell for 1800)
  • M-series receiver and parts. As well as AK scope mounts. Some very narrow scopes that can pass for WW2 scopes. They also told me they are selling an AK reciever for 700.
  • Many of the parts are of the Element Brand.
Here is a list of Airsoft Manufacturers. JG Works and Prometheus are not there.
Overall. The shop is more for smiths, prices are pretty ok. Just learn from my mistake and haggle for 10% at first. Its a great place to buy your supplies when you’re just learning, but since the brands are not more well known its going to be a hit or miss. There is also the appearance of many of the stock, they display broken parts. I can’t figure out where they must have gotten these all. They must have been all in some box, being sold in HK and dumped here.

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  1. spielmeister Avatar

    Great info, thanks for this. Great blog you got bro.!

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