Introductions of the Host

I’ve moved from Min-Maxing RPGs to Min-Maxing Airsoft. As I’ve put in the disclaimer I’m out to make it easier to have people join the hobby and enjoy it too. In the Philippines, because of China Made AEGs, Airsoft has really added a lot more people in its ranks, not just Sons of Generals, Hacienda (what I call Real-Estate rent-collectors) and Business Owners.
My self-interest is to meet people of good character when I play. People who try to be honest and who are in the game to learn more about everything else and improve in life. The more good people who happen to play airsoft I meet and befriend, the more this blog is going to pay-off for me. In return, I post my ideas, experiences, insights, and research.
Learning more about smithing and business, helps me show why things are what they cost and how to best equip yourself in making decisions I only gained after the experience. I will try to update this blog regularly, if not with distantly-related news and information but relevant science and myth-busting.
Self Defense. I believe self defense and knowledge of how to survive and fight are important in creating a well rounded character. Again, the Philippines is heavily disadvantaged by poverty, desperation, and corruption so most often, there is no education regarding the ethics and the philosophy as to why people need to learn how to fight- even at least the academic aspect of it.
The current crisis with China, particularly the mismanagement of the Police, just shows the world what Filipinos have to live with every-day: An uncertain government, mostly unable to protect its citizens and those given to its charge.
This is another reason why I would want to meet people of good character. Its not like I live in a country that’s got my back when it matters. I’m better hedging my bet, by learning to protect myself and learning from other good people, as well as sharing cautious and defensive tactics with others.
A bit of a Background and Disclaimer. I’m a freethinker, so I’m very reliant on evidence, reason-logical argument, and skepticism. So take all the technical aspects I give with a lot of salt (pepper, and other spices to make it go down easy), which I also do. Even when I sound like I’m promising, I am not. All information is to the best I can find online or experiment with my imperfect resources.
My INTERESTS of study are in economics: game theory and economic behavior. This extends to cognition and cognitive processes and irrationality. I a use Multiple Intelligence theory, particularly the application Intra-personal intelligence and Empathy in breaking down decision making problems and sorting them out for a reader and myself.
Sun Tzu engendered that the root of all tactics and strategy is the ability to predict behavior. The science of Game Theory and Economic Behavior (the cross breed of psychology and economics) illuminates these inner workings, better than when Sun Tzu spoke of it in 400-700BC.
So I’m approaching Tactics and Strategy through the Science, which I’ve done so before in RPGs.
I’m just as good as many average people in math. I take as long as most people who know the formulas to answer the same problems, I use the calculator a lot and I ask questions even more often. The difference is that I try to practice it and find the Physics, Mechanical, Bio-metrics, and Performance puzzles in Airsoft Fun (simply because the direct gain are in more Kills and Ass-Kicking).

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